Noga's Forum Posts

  • Plugin - Sounds and music

    Behavior - Physics

  • Oh, I thought OR got fixed in Classic version, I'll have to read it again.

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  • Here is a little example using Audiere plugin.

    You'll need the plugin, which can be found here

    and the example

    Download! - 6.77 MB

    music - Bjorn Lynne

    sounds - I used sounds from someone's demo from this forum. I can't find the post. The demo is space shooter, name of the exe is demo331.exe. If you recognise your sounds let me know and I'll put you here. Only if you've made the sounds of course, because they look like downloaded from the net

  • I tried create two separate events and then combine them with OR, if there is problem, but it works. Maybe you should send your cap to the developers. Have you started your project in CC1.2 or in some older version where OR was still buggy?

  • Can you make screenshot of it? You say between two events, do you really have it like in here, the "or" is between two conditions inside one event?

  • - I guess there'll be size limit, would be good, if there was an option to buy more space.

  • Could you add to 'Preview browser' setting option "browse", or something like that. I use Chrome portable and C2 can't find it. Would be good to have an option to browse and set the path to it.

    IE9 is really fast! I prefer Chrome, but preview of the latest platform demo still stutters on Chrome and on IE9 is smooth. Hope they'll fix it in Chrome soon, though.

    edit> I just noticed, there is a pixel gap under the player's sprite on IE9. On Chrome it's ok.

  • It runs ok for me, 8800gt. Maybe someone else with gtx could try the cap. There've been some problems among gtx users.

  • Can you describe how you fixed the problem? What was the cause?

  • Who's owl and who's the other bird (I don't know the name)?

    It's like 2am and I feel more fresh than during day. I usually make more work done in the evening and during night. Sometimes (rarely), I create something whole night and go to bed at 8am or (very rarely) work on something 2 days straight, and than fall off. My guess is, there are more owls on this forum.

  • Does the plugin cache all files (sounds/music) when I load them or are there some limits as with XAudio2 (no sounds bigger than i think 3mb and music is streamed)? I haven't noticed any significant slowdown yet, even when loading 30mb music files.

  • Where does this plugin load the sounds from? The same folder as the .exe? I have this on my events and it doesn't work...

    + System: Start of layout
    -> Audiere: Load Sound ("C418 - little things - 01 kaffee.mp3") as "song" (Play now: no, Volume: 100)
    + On button clicked
    -> Audiere: Play music "song"[/code:3r7qpqos]

    Yes, from the same folder as exe, but you have a mistake in your code. You're loading a sound and than you have an action where you're playing a music.

  • I like that's one package and I don't need to switch between programs. Only few more clicks, but for me that's a lot, probably just laziness

  • ...and because C2 is portable, you'll be able to prototype your game even when not on your computer. I use PS for drawing, but I like CC has it's own editor so I can still work on my game when I'm not at home.

  • It's back again