nemezes's Forum Posts

  • como faço para obter a traduçao em portugue?

    I will answer in portuguese:

    Abra o Construct 3 -> menu -> settings -> clique 10 vezes no topo azul onde tem escrito "settings" -> ative a função "developer mode" -> vá na parte de baixo em settings "Advanced" e marque as opções "Enable developer mode" e "Show in-progress languages" -> atualize a janela do Construct 3 (ou aperte F5) para ativar a mudança -> vá em "settings" e e escolha o idioma português -> atualize de novo a janela do Construct 3 (ou aperte F5) para ativar o idioma português.

  • Just tested using the developer mode.

    The translation is looking really good !

    I couldn't spot any translation erros or awkward/strange sounding translations while looking at the Kiwi demo project.

    Nice job, everyone =)

    I follow your tip and I was looking to Kiwi demo project, we forgot to translate the "Bullet" behavior, it still has the name "bullet", it is better to use "projétil".

    Edit: I looked at poeditor and "bullet" was translated to "projétil", maybe it was not update yet. sorry.

  • Trigger is Gatilho.

    What's the translation you were using?

    I prefer:

    triggered = acionado

    trigger = acionar

    It is better.

    Look to some translations:

    "Move in increments while firing the step triggers." = "Move em incremento enquanto ativando os gatilhos de passamento."

    better = "movimenta um incremento quando as ações de passo são ativadas" (we have to see the context)

    "In a trigger, the relevant product ID." = "Em um gatilho, o ID relevante do produto."

    better = "quando acionado, [exibe] o ID relevante do produto"

    construct uses actions, and trigger refers to some action, it is better to use the verb "acionar" ou "ativar".

    "gatilho" remember something related with guns.

  • It will really need some polishment.

    maybe it still have some 'trigger' expressions translated as 'gatilho' or 'engatilhar', which is weird.

  • I was wondering which one is the best translation to "tilemap":

    1- mapa de blocos

    2- mapa de tijolos

    3- mapa de peças

    4- alguma outra sugestão? qual?

    remember we should translate everything thinking that the translation is mainly for people that is going to use construct and do not know anything about english or programming. that is the main goal.

    I was changing everything to "mapa de blocos" and "tiles" to "blocos", but wanna know what other people think about that. so I had to undo what I did and wait for the opinion of the others.

  • Do you sell the template?

    for now, I am not selling it. it is still in development and the code is not organized.

    thanks for playing.

  • Ashley

    Hi... any response from POeditor ? any way to recover my contributions ?

    I think people are doing this to gain free C3 access.....

    All this issues are made from bad use of Google Translator.


    I first did not understand when Ashley replied here, but I think Ashley already answered that, he said: " I'll contact POEditor's support and see if they can restore those. As long as they can tell us the count as it was on January 23rd, we will simply add those contributions to the results when it's completed."

    So, here is what I get: after the translation reachs 100%, he will add our contributions that was lost.

  • Construct 3 is working fine in english, but when I change to portuguese, I got a error message and have to close C3.

    is it a problem with the translation?

    "Error: missing placeholder '{1}' in string substitution Error: missing placeholder '{1}' in string substitution at Function.ǃa.ǃUG_ ( at ǃUAS ( at window.ǃUZF.ǃUkL ( ... js:1:13332) at "

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  • Ashley, I think I correct all those 34 mistakes you mention.

    Also, I hope you have the history of the translations, because other people were prejudiced with what this guy did. I was one, lost all my contributions.

    Yes, I am helping, but also wanted a "free" license. It is "free" because I work a lot of time doing these translations and correct some mistakes that I found.


  • This is one of my concerns - maybe someone is trying to remove other people's contributions?

    It looks like the whole thing was deleted and an earlier version of the translation (with more mistakes) was pasted back in. It looks like it was done by "Renato Rivero". Unless someone can explain to me what has happened by Monday, then I will ban that user and restore the version of the translation that was up there prior to January 23rd.

    yes, that's weird.. I made a search for "construir" and some of the translations of Construct to "construir" are back.

    sometimes I get some warnings about new features to translate, do you know if this new version that this guy uploaded have those new features?

    also, I remember that the project was about 73% to 75%, now it is in 80%.

  • Ashley all my contributions was reset to 0.. what now? I had almost 2700 contributions.

  • ...and now it's mostly back? Not sure what happened.

    Was it a problem on the poe editor server?

    Was it me, telling that people are using google translate and not reading the translation and someone get mad and deleted all? I dont say to not use google translate, but sometimes google translates it literally, like I said other times, even Construct got translated.. or family behavior was translated like this: "friend" translated to "friendly" (but with the family behavior).

  • some people still using google translate.. some translations are not so good, please read carefully when using google translate.

    I got a message from Ashley telling me to not correct other translations, but the translations with google translate are not good.

    there was one that translated even the name Construct to portuguese "Construir". it is the same as ask google to translate the OS Windows, "Janelas".

    there are some "on" that in portuguese is better to use "when", but google translates literally to "over" in portuguese.

    I am not saying to not use google translate, but when you use it, please read the translation and adjust it.

  • really nice pixel art!! awesome!

    one example of a game that you did not finish was that game that we were developing together, vegan ninja 2..

    it has one level done with a boss.. maybe we could release the one level here at the arcade.

  • Em matemática, a tradução de Nth é N-ésimo, significa na posição N.

    N=1, temos 1º ou 1ª.

    N=2, temos 2º ou 2ª.


    O ruim é que N-ésimo não é uma expressão muito comum em português. Quais das duas traduções devemos usar para:

    "The operator of the Nth received signalling server. "

    Opção 1: "O N-ésimo operador recebeu o servidor de sinalização. "


    Opção 2: "O operador localizado na posição N recebeu o servidor de sinalização."

    Tem várias expressões que utilizam Nth no Construct.