Its a good feeling when people make suggests and we can say 'way ahead of ya mate!'
i tryid it, and i can`t make it work. Is 'LayerAngle("2")+10' or 'LayerAngle(2)+10' correct?
+eventualy 'layout rotation'.
editdnn@Sory ashley. somehow i must have skipped it.
I was thinking about this feature. It could be used for many reasons. One of them is that instead of making angled terrain you could simpli manipulate it in reale time.
someone make plugin plizzz ;>
basicly i can't open my main cap file. altho i send it over to BROO, and he had no problems with opening the file, and i haven't got probelms with opening backuped file. But the main one in the main catalogue is not working. thats the message that appears.
It's not automatic, but ctrl-a, ctrl-c, open other layout, ctrl-v, click works to copy them all at once.
thanks, will help in the future ( becouse now it will copy the whole lvl ><' )
edit@: oh no! some behaviurs didn't copied ><'
Basicly is there a way to automaticly copy all abjects from layout 1 to layout 2, w/out must having to copy every single object manualy? thanks
> why are you using a tiled background for these tiles which you dont actually want to tile at all? > Well, because sometimes you want to have an still image with no animation and doesn't need any special hotspots or image points or other features that a sprite has. I mean, should we be using sprites in this case?
> why are you using a tiled background for these tiles which you dont actually want to tile at all?
Well, because sometimes you want to have an still image with no animation and doesn't need any special hotspots or image points or other features that a sprite has.
I mean, should we be using sprites in this case?
i agree - from my simple calculations sprite is much heavier than tilled bg becous have more options.
on a happier note, construct is by far the quickest and easiest of these game makers to use, and the forums here always get quick responses, so remaking something from scratch will be as painless as possible. read the wiki and tutorials and post questions if you run into any bumps welcome to the forums
on a happier note, construct is by far the quickest and easiest of these game makers to use, and the forums here always get quick responses, so remaking something from scratch will be as painless as possible. read the wiki and tutorials and post questions if you run into any bumps
welcome to the forums
just thought i`ll mention it... rpg maker is easier ^^' ... but cons is way better anyway.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
this is brilliant. absolutly fenomenal! just so complex ><' plugin would be nice
what's diference betwen 'spawn' and 'create'? i realised that you can spawn only thise objects whiche are still in quantity at least of 1.
4. Once you have a general idea, it is fairly simple to convert rules into Construct events.
5. Than amke some test and think what could be done better, and after few days do it from scratch.
Hmm, is it just me or does the app always crash if you select two events and copy / paste them into another event sheet? It's reproducable.
thats bug from the older build. i've added it to the tracker some time ago
Like in the title: Does any one knows how to make a boomerang event? I was thinking about it. Will it need advanced math sentence?
good stuff!
Great to see the sprite icons now automatically update!
hip hip hurray!
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Download 0.98.7 now!
Don't forget you can help Construct too! Contributing to the Wiki documentation or donating via the main page helps support Construct.
Unfortunetly my english might not be good enough to write any documentations, and i haven't good much money aither ( altho i would gladly donate if i would have enough ), but i did a small construct announcement on . Hope that this will mater even a little and will help construct gain more adiance