megatronx's Forum Posts

  • My problem is :

    Bee has got random angle ( random(2)*180). when bee meets bouncer box the event is setted up to add another 180 to the bee so it will move in oposite direction. meanwhile when the bee has got 180 angle insted of going right the bee is going up.

    Here is a cap file orl.cap

    You might have to run it few times so the bees will face diferent directions ( when they facing same direction ther is no problem )

  • I would like to set an angle for an object to random, but to set aither only 180 or 0 degrease. can't realy figure out how to do it. please help.

  • Try control clicking a layer.

    Also don't post ideas in this thread, we don't tend to read it or remember what's here.

    ok, so i'm posting here

  • 1. Previewing an animation in animation editor ( both frame and bone movement editors).

    2. Possibility to add new animation frame in picture editor w/out having to close it, choosing 'create new frame' and than opening it again.

    3. Ctrl+C/V/X for animation bar.

    4. Global Graphics for all created layouts and...

    5. ...Importing GFX in to Construct would automaticly store them, and load from external catalogue/files to simplify and speed up graphic changes if necessary.

    6. rearanging event sheets possision ( like in global variable menagment )

  • 6. Double-clicking on a layer selects all objects on it.

  • I've got few ideas:

    1. Previewing an animation in animation editor ( both frame and bone movement editors).

    2. Possibility to add new animation frame in picture editor w/out having to close it, choosing 'create new frame' and than opening it again.

    3. Ctrl+C/V/X for animation bar.

    4. Global Graphics for all created layouts and...

    5. ...Importing GFX in to Construct would automaticly store them, and load from external catalogue/files to simplify and speed up graphic changes if necessary.

  • I should probably add actions and expressions to it...

    So like it would just be set and get period, offset, range ?

    yeap, sounds good to me

    oh and btw. there is one more request conditions for flashing

  • one more request : 'is object flashing' and 'object flashing has ended' conditions, which probably not only me would find usufel . I would like to make my caracter immune to taking demadge when flashing. But there can bedone a lot more with thise conditions.

  • Is Controling Sin Behav via events feature planned for the future versions of construct? Right now this behav is a bit poor w/out it.

  • Will mirroring the animations, will mirror action points as well?

  • I'm just gonna upload a couple of things that can be made with no events


  • Has anyone got idea how to make a vertical moving platforms? the way i did it doesn't work as it should - object ( square ) has got sin movement behav. when character jumps on it, it does shake character quite a lot.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Good game and a cool boomerang.

    The game is simple, and gives a lot of fun.

    Thanks ^^ nice to read that.

  • Platform game (early engine alpha test) called ORL. I'm doing it to learn cons ( edit@ with community's as well as with BROO's help : thx! ).


    arrows - movement

    space - jump

    'T' - boomerang


    'Orl' Alpha Test

  • Well, since most people generally have most sprites, I've put most effort in to optimising the Sprite object. Which explains why it's fastest. As I said before, optimisation can be tricky business.

    Must be in did. And it must be hard as well. I used to do do php and xhtml stuff, and optimising thise was pain in the ****