mathie's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    I have an idea of an arcade game. It would be a kind of pool game, where the player shoot ball like in a pool game. It would be like the french version of pool. With the goal is not to pocket the ball but to make them touch each other.

    The level won't be necessary a table, and maybe many balls of different objects will be on the scene.

    I wonder about the physics of the balls. Is it possible to make thos kind of game with construct 3?


  • Get rid of the bottom two events. When you create the banner and it's show:true it should just appear. For the interstitial add a trigger once and if it never shows then check the variable.

    I will try this thanks

  • Hello,

    To summuryze, I want to insert banners adds in some layout (Menu and level selectors) and hide them in the playing layout.

    Also to show an intersticial adds every seven games.

    Here is the code I wrote.

    And here is the trouble. The banner didn't show at all in the layout i want. And in the play layout it show up and hide almost immediatly.

    The intersitical never show up.

    Does some of you have an idea why?

  • I try to export my project to a signed android app bundle. And everytie it failed. In the log it's just written "error".

  • Hello

    I'am making a single mobile game. But in a mode I would like to keep the high score of each player and make a top ten hall of fame.

    I guess it's possible, but yet I don't find any tutorial?

  • Hello,

    I'am making a mobile game. I have different layers, one for the game itself and other for the HUD.

    I want to keep the green part for the game itself and the rest for buttons and stuff. So i want to avoid that the object go on a buttons or stuff like this.

    I use behavior like wrap. Is there a way?

  • Hello,

    In my project have many instance of the same object "Blue".

    I want to check if all my "Blue" Object are link to each other. I mean I don't want any isolate "blue" object who are not in collision with another one.

    I start by picking a random instnce of the blue object and turn a boolean to "True" and check every other blue object who are in collision with him.

    I don't think my method is correct.

    If you have some ideas or suggestions.

  • As I don't use the websocket plugin I don't get what is wrong.

  • Hello,

    Why i try to make an aab export, I get the following message:"Websocket is not closed".

    I trully don't understand what it is.

    I already made an export for this project without problem. Does someone know how to fix it?


  • Hello,

    I'am making a game where the playing color change randomly (blue, red, yellow, orange and so on).

    I acheive to do it.

    I wish to make the random pick in a list and also modify this list.

    For exemple when a color isn't useful anymore of the player i want to take it out of the list to make the game funier. But i didn't get how i can do it?


  • What is all this code about arrive and depart? Anyway it doesn't seem slow it's just unresponsive. Use 'touch' instead of 'tap' to be more instant. And make the collision box of the arrows big enough for the player to comfortably touch.

    It changes everything, it's far more plaisant to play thanks to you

    Let me bow you are a king

  • What is all this code about arrive and depart? Anyway it doesn't seem slow it's just unresponsive. Use 'touch' instead of 'tap' to be more instant. And make the collision box of the arrows big enough for the player to comfortably touch.

    Arrive and depart is about the swipe. As it's a mobile game, someone suggest me to add this possibility of movement.

    I will try the touch thanks

  • I made a mobile puzzle game where the player ocntrol a chameleon.

    My problem is the control is very slow and unresponsive. It's really annoying and break most of the fun.

    The point is, I juste don't get what make them slow in the code and how I can improve it?

    Here is the code, the move are made by pressing a sprite arrow (use a button) or by swip.

    Here is a link to the gam if you want to try it

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  • Thanks for your feedback I trully apreciate.

    I check the documentation and I was wrong. I beleived construct resyze the screen to add the banner. It's not the case and that's why This problem appear. I will corect it.

    Normally the intersticial appear at between levels or at the start. Does it appear in the middle of a game?

  • Hello,

    I'am using the publicite object with admob and I wonder about a bug.

    The intersticial add appear without problem but not the banner.

    I wasn't thinking the code was wrong but it seems the add appear on some phone but not on mine.

    Here is a link to my game on the playstore if you want to check on your phone.
