Kraudi's Forum Posts

  • Really smooth game, I like the way you realize the graphics, I'm wondering what software you use for your game design?

    And keep us updated with the game development progress, good job!

    Thank you!

    The GUI I haven't made myself but the rest I am doing with photoshop and the fonts with spritefonts. Only the ships are from the C2 freebundles. Don't know if I will replace this with own one in the near future.

    Also here are two new screens from a new mission I have made.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Also each enemie got there own hp bar!



  • Hey community!

    I need your help. I need some inspirations for mission which could be in the game.

    Right now I have done three mission.

    • Kill 25 enemies
    • Fly through a asteroid belt
    • Find and land on a other planet

    If anyone has some suggestions I'm thinking of build it into the game.

    Thank you and regards,


  • [TUBE][/TUBE]

    From my new iPhone game "Infinity Space".

    Note: Video is recorded from PC and not from the iPhone. Steering with the mouse is very bad so it does not reflect the real speed and game experience on the iphone. Just to see it in action :)


  • Hey guys.

    here is a little gameplay video. Not much gameplay at all.

    Note: Video is recorded from PC and not from the iPhone. Steering with the mouse is very bad so it does not reflect the real speed and game experience on the iphone. Just to see it in action :)


    Also here is the new "Mission complete" screen.

    I've added shooting accuracy. May interesting :)

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Best regards,


  • <img src="" border="0" />

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  • Another little update.

    The GUI has now the look for the final product (may some little adjustments to come). It now has a more "space" touch then the old one with too much colors.

    Also was working heavy on gameplay and started working on AI.

    Shop is fully working as it is on the screenshot right now.

    Here is the new GUI.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Best regards,


  • Again an awesome looking game from you! by the way .. are you developing them by your very own?

    how did you deal with the different levels? have you made a seperate Layout for every Level? i was searching the forum but i didn't find a informative thread. where did you read up about levels? can you recommend me something? because i want to have different maps in my game too and it's kind of the same.

    great work. cheers!

    Thank you <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    And yes, I'm developing on my own and mostly just for fun.

    Right now this is my first project with different levels.

    You're right! I'm using a layout for every level.

    Because I haven't had any experience with different levels yet, I cannot recommend any thread or other stuff to read. Most of the things I try to do on my own.

    But right now this is my way with multiple levens:

    • If the player has successfull completed level 1 -> Save score to WebStorage
    • On Level select screen check if a Level 1 WebStorage save is already there so I can see if level 1 was already completed
    • If it is true then automatically level 2 is activated.

    I know, quite hard to understand I think. I'm speaking better english than I can write :)



  • I am just write down the window height into a variable at the start of the layout.

    960 = iPhone 5

    1136 = iPhone 4 & 4S

    You can then move your gui objects to the 2 different positions as you wish.

    I also have to note that I'm using the Crop mode as scale mode.



  • New iPhone game

    <img src="" border="0" />

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    More infos here

  • Hello community!

    I wanted to give a small introduction to my new iphone game which is in developement for a short time.

    Infinity Space

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Not much info now but some facts:

    • Toptown space shooter
    • Level based gameplay (missions)
    • Upgrades for your ship
    • Lots of different enemies
    • Power-Ups to collect
    • Some environment (Asteroids ..)
    • Designed for casual play (Keep it simple)
    • No IAP

    That's it for now.

    Feel free to write down some suggestions or other elements you would love to see in the game.



  • Circul

    Price: Free


    Author: Kraudi

  • morgandalf

    It's quite harder doing it fir Android because of the screen sizes but I'm still looking fordward to do it in the future:-)


    Thank you! Because I'm only supporting the 3.5 Retina and 4 Retina screen, it's only 2 different sizes I habe to do work.

    So there are 2 different image sizes:-)

    Here is a final mockup for you!

    I'm testing right now and if all works well I plan on submit it to the appstore soon :-)

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Thank you and regards,


  • Made some good progress with my iOS Game.

    <img src="" border="0" />

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  • Hey guys!

    Just completed some dev work the last weeks.

    I am now in a "nearly feature complete" status after adding some small gameplay elements and some graphic work.

    Hope to finish the stuff the next couple of month.

    Best regards,


  • Just added a lot of stuff the last couple of days for my iOS Game "Circul".

    <img src="" border="0" />

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