Kraudi's Forum Posts

  • How are you placing the dotted lines?

    It looks to just be nodes with a tiledbg stretched between nodes to make the lines.

    Exactly how I did it. If the user taps on a node I want to create a solid line over the dotted line (so basically when there is a direct connection between two nodes). If there is no dotted conenction between two nodes I want to create a red line.

    Thanks for your input :)

  • You already got the logic that stated each line connected to only 2 nodes. Work from there we can perform flood fill operation to find '5' through the network and Mark the path.

    I forgot to say theres no logic behind the connection right now. I just put a dotted line there for visual purpose only.

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  • Hello!

    I'm having quite some trouble getting something to work. Maybe some of you can give me some ideas how to achieve this.

    In this example if I click on sprite number 1, how do I check if it is directly connected through a dotted line with sprite number 5. In this case it isn't so I would like to set variable "checkConnection" to 'false'. I can't get this to work somehow.

    Thanks for your time guys!


  • Thanks, how do I get a set toggle object.UID block? Sorry im new.

    Select your object and then select 'Set instance variable' where you can enter object.UID

    But you have to create an instance variable on your object at first (see my 2nd screenshot in my last post)

  • You can do something like this.

  • Back doing a new mobile puzzler

  • Thanks for the solution. Had the same yesterday and didn't know that :D

  • Looks amazing. Love the Art work! Best of luck with your game!

  • That's a massive amount of work. Respect!

    Congrats on you release and I hope your game will be doing great!

  • Hello guys!

    I have 4 variables that counts the number of color blocks in my game.





    Now I want to check if the variables are the exact same number.

    The problem is that sometimes in my game only 2 colors are used in certain levels and that means only colorCount1 and colorCount3 are used for example. So in this level only these two values must be identical.

    In other levels there are sometimes 3 colors so I have to check if these 3 colors have the same number.

    I hope you guys can understand as I had to use DeepL to translate it.



  • Hey.

    Would like to implement iCloud support via cordova-plugin-icloudkv but I have no clue how does it work.

    Has anyone included this into their app/game? Would appreciate some help!



  • You could pick a random spritefont from the set, store its text in a variable, then check if any spritefont.text does not equal that variable.

    Good idea I Will try that. Thank you very much!

  • Hello :) Let's say I have 10 spritefont instances. Everyone can have a number between 1 and 15. How can I check if every instance has the same text? I just cannot get it to work.

    Thanks for your help!


  • Don't think so.

    I'm doing it in xcode for the first time and when doing an update I just copy/paste the "Images.xcassets" folder from the initial version to the new versions folder. It's the easiest workaround for it.

  • I tried to find out the same with displaying the languages on the store page. Haven't found anything yet. You can't do it in the store itself (itunesconnect) so I think it must have to do with xCode.