Kraudi's Forum Posts

  • Bump. No one has tried exporting and running a C3 game on iPhone X yet?

    I'm also testing my game on the iPhone X simulator right now. I'm using Portrait only with 720x1280 and scale outer and also cover mode. The only thing I did different is that i'm not using a LaunchImage but rather I'm using the Storyboard. Here is how you can use it: ... oryboards/

    But other than your game it worked pretty good.

  • Thats great!

    What do I do once downloaded the files? Can I use the folder structure that they come in or do I have to place them all in the single icons folder?

    Well I usually just open the asset catalogue window in the xcode project and replace them by drag and drop.

  • I use this service most of the time

    Just upload your 1024x1024 icon and download once complete.

  • Kraudi I see no performance issues with moveto on mobile either, not even a problem on my oldest testing devices. Sure it is the moveto behaviour?

    Are you using effects of any kind? Even the simplest effects can make a game unplayable on mobile.

    I think it is moveTo. I compiled a version where I move X coordinate of the sprites every tick and it is much more smooth then with moveTo. The only real "effect" I'm using in my game is the Inverted color effect because I implented a dark mode.

  • > I'm having some performance problems with moveto. I use and it works smooth as hell with the launcher app. When I compile it to iOS the objects running with moveto behaviour don't run smooth at all. It lags quite a bit and i'm on an iPhone 7 Plus. Are there any performance tips?



    I'm using this behavior as well. But I never had any performance issues with it while using Cocoon.

    I test my games on an Iphone 6s.



    Okay thats quite odd. Because i made an iOS puzzle game which is 1.5MB large and uses about 11mb ram. So the performance should be much better. But it's only smooth with the launcher app. Not after compiling and testing on the device.

    I'm using scale outer mode to let my game scale to every iphone and ipad and it works great. But I'm asking myself it this can be a factor for the bad performance in addition with behaviours.

  • I'm having some performance problems with moveto. I use and it works smooth as hell with the launcher app. When I compile it to iOS the objects running with moveto behaviour don't run smooth at all. It lags quite a bit and i'm on an iPhone 7 Plus. Are there any performance tips?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • My new game Coloristic is now available in the Appstore! ... 8057?mt=8#

  • Bump/Update:

    I've submitted my app for review to Apple and it passed. I am still unable to get Game Center or ads to work through testing, but I've read that Apple will reject apps that have Game Center features but aren't using them in the code? Same for ads?

    Can anybody help??

    Well I'm using and gamecenter works fine with testflight. Just used the default gc plugin that comes with Construct 2 and using this cocoon plugin ... ter#readme

    Worked out of the box for leaderboards. The "Not live" in itunesconnect is something you can ignore. It's not live because the app itself isn't in the store yet. You also don't need a sandbox user. Sandbox was only needed <iOS8.0.

  • I'm working on my new iOS/Android puzzle game.

  • My two apps are also up since last week

    Racing GM [Racing manager] ... ?l=en&mt=8

    Dodgy [Physic Puzzler] ... ?l=en&mt=8

  • Hy there.

    How do I convert lets say 171.5874568 to a race lap time format?

    Format should be like the winner here:

    So hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds. Would be great if the milliseconds value would always have 3 decimals.

    Would be cool if anyone can help me

    Thanks in advance and regards

  • Just one small question I have left.

    I've had some cases where at the end of the season 2 drivers had the same amount of points. So I need the driver with more wins/more 2nd places/ etc. as champion. Is this difficult to add to? What would be the easiest way to this? Maybe add every position they gained in the ArrayDrivers?

  • I wanted to say thank your for your help in this case!

    I've integrated most parts of your capx files into my project. It works great!



  • Kraudi please check function "printRank" ..

    I'm not sure that gives correct results..and really do not have time..


    Simulated 10 races and it looks good to me. Looks like it's counting correct!

    BIG thank you for your time! I'll look deeper into it after work:)

    Thank you!

  • To display the crash : Capx modified

    Use a specific index value, use a function to display the score, allow to navigate between the different result page (20 racers for 12 results only displayed).

    Ah now I understand. Thanks for the excellent addition!

    I also extended the standings to display all 20 on one page. But your way is also very cool if you have more drivers.

    Thank you very much for your time! Well done.

    Now I only need to get the driver standings and team standings to work