Kraudi's Forum Posts

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  • Okay here is the Alpha v0.43


  • Your game is fun and looks great. I had a couple ideas for you though.

    There seemed to be a lot of empty spaces. I know this is a random game but it's more fun if I can collect more items :)

    For me, collecting stone and wood was difficult in that I was not once able to collect enough to upgrade my sword. Maybe it would be possible to trade in two of one resource for one of another at the store?

    Health didn't last me that long. I don't know that I ever made it past level 5 (not being able to upgrade the sword was a huge part of that). Since the game is unending (except death) maybe you change it to buy 2 hearts in stead of one? Getting to a higher level will give a better sense that I actually made it somewhere.

    Keep up the great work! I like what you have done so far and I can't wait to see some of the additions you've mentioned in game.

    Thank you! =)

    I've increased the stone/tree rate a bit. It should now spawn a little more. Also the health is now at 50 for the start. This should make it a bit easier to get a upgrade to continue to play.

    I will pack it into the new version along with the seeds/wheat/farming feature and post it later.

    Great artwork! Nice clean UI. Impressive amount of work!!! Good job. Any video of gameplay? You can post it here using bbcode


    Thank you. Will try to get a video soon =)


  • You can now gather seeds which you can plant in a extra menu.

    After a while you can harvest wheat from it to craft bread.

  • Thank you guys. Will continue to make it even better and more balanced =)

    When I played, I find (I think) two bugs.

    - A few times, the chests are empty (I don?t know if that is right or is a bug)

    - Some times when you try to open a square, that not working, and need to open another square after. Then, try again and the square opens right.

    The first isn't bug. It's all random generated so also a chance for nothing =)

    The 2nd could hapen if your are making an action (gather a resource) In that time you cant open a cell. But I will look into this.

    By the way, do you/have you noticed any audio chopping in the Node Webkit executable? I'm not sure if it's my computer or the export....

    I've tested it on 2 PC's. No problem here.


    Newest additions:

    • Character window
    • Equipment window
    • You have to repair your axe/pickaxe after a while (Costs depends on how bad the current one is)
    • Double damage for random monsters (2,5% chance)
    • Fixed a highscore bug
    • Added 4 more achievments
    • Added a icon to see which shield you wear right now! Also you see your shield-bonus in the character window

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Looks nice.

    I like the idea and the clean graphicstyle... playable demo? :D

    Okay. Heres a demo.

    Fantasy Bloxx Alpha 0.35

    I'm at alpha 0.35! Changelog is in the second post.

    This is the windows node-webkit exported game (Love to have a "nearly" native game)

    Just a small note. The game is only in alpha and the balancing isn't really finished yet. Also features will expand over next versions.

    There can be some bugs you might see. Would be nice if you post them :)

    Would love to get some feedback.

    Thank you! =)


  • * Small update on last post

    Next up is Boss fights

  • A version is finished.



    [ADDED] Achievment menu

    [ADDED] Crafting

    [ADDED] New monsters

    [ADDED] Added minigames

    [ADDED] Quests

    [ADDED] Arenas

    [ADDED] Achievments

    [ADDED] Fruit combo

    [ADDED] Kills are now displayed

    [ADDED] Monsters now have their own strength

    [ADDED] A visual blood effect if an enemy dies.

    [CHANGED] Fine tuning in level scaling

    [CHANGED] Mechanics on fighing. Simply click the enemy to fight against him

    [CHANGED] Game balance in many ways (Enemy strenght, score and coins is now level scaling)

    [CHANGED] A lot of graphics

    [CHANGED] The way the points are calculated at the end

    [BUG] A lot of bug fixes

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  • Looks nice.

    I like the idea and the clean graphicstyle... playable demo? :D

    Thank you.<img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> That's the goal I set myself. Make a little clean game which isn't very complex but still fun to play.

    Demo sadly not right now. I've been working on level scaling right now to balance the further levels.

    But I'll try to get one maybe next week :)

  • Hello folks.

    This is my first little project I've been workin on since 4 weeks.

    Fantasy Bloxx

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    It's in an early stage an right now at version 0.25.

    You have a field with 49 cells on it. You can open up some of these cells.

    There can be resources behind it which you can gather(stone and wood), enemies, items and more. It's all random generated. With every level the game will be stronger. I'm right now at integrate random quests. The first 2 are in right now.

    Further you can buy items in the shop to upgrade your character for further levels.

    The goal is to get as maximum points you can get. The game itself is endless. It ends when you die.

    Would love to get some comments for improvments or any new and fresh ideas for further developement.



  • Heres the solution <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Edit: Little mistake. In the second Event, u have to make time scale to 1 =)

  • > When you press "p" make System -> Set time scale to 0 (that pauses the game)


    > Thats it. Setting it back to 1.0 resumes your game.i,

    Ok, I understand that.

    I would also like to display "PAUSED" text when game is paused.

    I've setup a "PAUSED" text, set it to be invisible at game start,

    and gave it a variable "GameIsPaused" which is set initially to false.

    How would I toggle the display of above "PAUSED" text?



    If you are setting the time scale to 0 also make the pause text visible.

    If time scale is at 1 make it invisible

  • <img src="" border="0" />

  • When you press "p" make System -> Set time scale to 0 (that pauses the game)

    Thats it. Setting it back to 1.0 resumes your game.