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  • <img src="" border="0" />

    turns out that my older idea will work out better + i like how the character look so i'v made this quick screen test and experimenting new ways to make objects

  • valdarko Me likey! Character looks great and I'm digging the perspective of the room :)

  • robin Sommer

    thnx man :]

  • valdarko

    I love your character , and your style

  • mineet

    mineet :]

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  • <img src="" border="0" /><img src="" border="0" /><img src="" border="0" />

  • TELLES0808

    He looks tired, I love the last one where he sits on the floor. Great stuff, I really like the long arms and legs :)

  • <img src="" border="0" />

  • Just added a lot of stuff the last couple of days for my iOS Game "Circul".

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  • enyon

    hey your project is looking sexier since i last saw it!!

    did you manage to solve those gravity problems?

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  • yankeesbro Do your spiders climb on verticle surfaces, etc...? If so I would love to see some of your logic events for them...

  • UberLou Just wanted to check and see if you are exporting the animations as .scml files and if so how you are dealing with sizing, etc... in the C2 layout view.

  • valdarko

    Yes gravity works, and other stuff to some degree too , however still learning stuff :) If you want to try demo I handed as final for concept class PM me I will send you the link privately. Would be nice to hear some more critique. Still low on reputation...

  • Here are some screenshots from my game The Gong:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

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