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  • UberLou

    Looks awesome.

  • UberLou

    Man, the artwork is stellar! Can't wait to see it in action.

  • Physical arcade

    Quick Ball ( for android )

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

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  • UberLou

    like the graphics

  • <img src="" border="0" />

  • Hello friend, I would like to know how you did for your game to run at all resolutions for android! Can you teach me? Hug and his game is very cool!

  • Here's a new screenshot from Those 8-Bit NerdZ - The Video Game.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    The entire game is supposed to take place inside a famous handheld (gbc) so I'm doing my best to make it fit the specs. Everything from sprite sizes, color counts, sounds.. everything! I still have some tweaks to do. This screenshot is still not within spec...

    One thing is for sure though, I'm having a blast learning Construct 2 :)!

  • superdbop

    Man it looks awesome, I really enjoy this screenshot and love his face, haha, good job and keep it up.

    If someone's interested about Purple development you can see a small screenshot there

    <img src="" border="0" />

    It is end of level 1 (not finished yet), I'm just learning how to do lighting for now, it is hard for me but fun too. Next levels will look completely different and there will be more environment elements also this lighting is just test and it gets darker on the end of first level because second will be dark from start. I want to bring some artistic feeling more than gameplay challenge (it won't be very easy to complete the game though!) and I hope some of you will like it. Thanks!


    Here's a couple of screenshots of the game I'm working on. I'm feeling it's starting to look somewhat presentable. *Looks waaay better in motion though*

  • superdbop

    great artwork

  • Meloo and mineet

    Thanks! This is my first time doing pixel art. Hard work! But so much fun :)!

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    This is a scetch of the chracter design of my platformer game called "2030 A.D."

    That will be the first game og a post-apocalyptic games series which will include an adventure game and a rpg, according to my plans of course.

    Due to the limitations of free versions, i'm planning to create a prologue stage as a demo.

    Below you will see a snapshot of that levels creations which will give only tiny details how it will look like :)

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Designs will be created with a vector software so if there will be good vector plug-in for c2 it will be smooth at all machines at all sizes.

  • A few screenshots from second level of Purple

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Hope you like it, I will upload a video in my topic today or maybe release playable demo if everything's ready. We are working on a third level that is going to be completely different too. Graphics need a lot of polish and rework imo, there are a lot of small "bugs" etc. And also we need to polish both levels that are there now. We are limited with free version so it will be just showcase of 3 episodes (1 level for each)


  • Well ive just finished the character selection screen for the revamped "MercAirwing"

    its all place holder art, until i can get good at pixel art or find someone who wants to have a go for me!

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Just a small teaser for my new game that is currently in production:

    <font size="6">Stretchy saves da Bombs!</font>

    <img src="" border="0" />

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