Meloo's Forum Posts

  • Hmm.. I noticed that my topic landed in Completed Creations area, would be nice if someone could move it to Work In Progress spot.

    Hello! I got an update right here for you so you are all welcome to test it out! You can find the newest version in my first post or just click there:

    Play the demo!

    mrnannings thanks for your comment, I already fixed the problem with colours!

    Also I added a screenshot showing new enemies and a new biome [.. kind of].

    Here are a few questions I got for all of you who decide to play the game, would be awesome if you can answer that so I know what to do next.

    1. Did you pass all 5 levels? If not, why?

    2. How do you like the music? (I'm total amateur in that area but I'm trying, hmm)

    3. Did you encounter any bugs?

    4. Are you looking forward to next updates?

    5. What do you think about boss fights every 6 levels?


  • Hello, I've been working on my new game, Pedro Stories for a few days, it is just a simple platformer for now, but I tend not to finish games, and by creating this one I want to finally deal with it.. So, here you can play the first two levels, I am going to post updates there and upload the final version on either Kongregate or Newgrounds.

    Some screenshots:

    And the playable version:

    >>Play the demo [Always newest version there]<<


  • <img src="" border="0" />

    That is the League of Legends pseudo-roguelike oriented game I am currently working on, called League of Dudes. It is going to be totally free with some regular updates. It is very early in the work.

    I hope some of you will get interested. :)

  • [TUBE][/TUBE]

  • <img src="" border="0">

    Hello, I've started working on a completely new game a few days ago. Suddenly I had an idea.. to create a game about a blind creature, I think that it's quite unique idea because I've never seen a similar one.

    The player is able to see only small part of the area that the character touches at the current moment, for now there are 3 complete levels, I will upload it for you when there will be 10 levels though.

    For now I'd just like to get some opinions about what do you think. Eventually I may put some playable levels earlier. The game will be completely free, as my main Knight's Tale project is currently closed due to lack of money and time (thanks for some of your donations though, I remember!) I am working on some small projects that you may eventually like.

    Here is the first "trailer"


    If you want to know something more or make your opinion public, go on! That is why I am there.

    You can always like my team's fanpage on Facebook (just created)

    Dino Egg Team on Facebook

    And follow me on Twitter:

    Mozay Knows on Twitter

  • I've been really busy recently and I just started creating a game with a friend of mine 3 days ago that is going to be released totally for free. I will try to put more video tutorials as soon as possible, if you got any suggestions just say it here or inbox me!

    See you. :)

  • <img src="" border="0">

    Orc enemy on a wolf (actually it looks a little bit like a dog) with a fire sword. After polishing, I'm going to work on animating it.

    You can check the topic out there:

    Knight's Tale Official Topic

  • Hello! As you can know, I can't work on expanding the game too much so I jusr create arts to show the idea and keep myself motivated. Here is a short description of orcs that will be in Knight's Tale, hope you like it. I'm new to stuff like that but I try to improve every day.

    <img src="" border="0">

    We've still got 28$ so far out of 119$ needed for Construct 2 license, I'm trying to get it myself too but it's not that easy though.

  • Hey, how you doing? I am going to post an art tomorrow, I won't say what it is but it should be interesting and introduce you to the world of Knight's Tale and how varied I want it to be. We've got 28$ collected out there, shout out to everyone who decides to help, that is a huge thing, salute!

    Also here is the video from my tutorials channel so everyone can see what I'm doing and take a look at it eventually.


  • Sorry for lack of any tutorials recently but I've been busy working on the Knight's Tale art. You can listen to what I have to say right there:


    <font size="4">and if you would like to suppport me by donating or just take a look at the game I'm working on:


    I've also already uploaded a short tutorial about how to add a moderate jump strength to the character based on how long we hold the jump button. Peace!

  • Hello, what is up? I got an art I just created randomly (Batman created by Darkeye, I added sneaky Joker) and liked it though. :D

    <img src="" border="0" />

    What I am working on now is something like phototree of many arts and player going through different stages starting from the bottom. I want to make the game somewhat a virtual life in platformer perspective with many randomly generated things, you would be able to share your clothes, house designs, screenshots from hunts etc. via parody of Instagram that I am not going to reveal yet. These are just plans that will come true if I'd be able to collect money for license so that is why I'm focusing on arts mostly - even though money holds me down for now, making art doesn't, and makes me even more motivated. :)


  • Thanks for your good words! I appreciate it. I am quite busy creating arts to the game I am creating. You can check it out there:

    Official Knight's Tale Topic

    I don't have Construct 2 license yet, though (22$ out of 119$ collected so far) so I am just creating art stuff and basic mechanics.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks and no problem man that is total pleasure for me. :)

  • Dannyzigg

    I just don't know what to say, you are one of the most kind person (along with some of my good friends that support me) I have ever met in the internet. It means a loooooot and even more, thank you! For sure I will send you some exclusive concept arts, information and you will be one of the first to test out the alpha after I earn full goal to buy license. Salute! Hope we will keep in touch, you can always mail me.


    Thank you! I will try it out for sure. :)

    I've been very busy in school and creating Construct 2 tutorials on my new channel that you can visit here:

    Mozay Knows how to..

    I will upload news about the game very soon!

    <font size="5">Current donation status: 28$ out of 119$ collected</font>

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    Hey, I have decided to start recording some useful, hopefully, tutorials to show some basic stuff for people who got very, very basic knowledge. I'm trying to show what to do with this basic knowledge.

    My english isn't that good though but that's one of the reasons I started making these tutorials - I want to improve it. I hope some of you will enjoy it, thanks!

    Here is one of my videos:
