GenkiGenga's Forum Posts

  • Hey cow_trix,

    I know exactly what you mean by the jittering, but when i took a look it was perfectly smooth for me. (in chrome)

    Did you restart your comp and try again?

  • Hi gnahz nice art, all the images go well together.

    At first i thought it was really hard, but after i got the hang of how often to use the feathers it was pretty fun.

    I scored 38000 points - by the end i was gettin a little tried of the music loop. Maybe you could change the music the more points they have?

  • Im sorry tulamide i wasnt trying to attack you in my post, its just that i followed your sources through and they were all sourced from one website - then i read about the difficulties they have in accuracy when sampling.

    Honestly i just thought it was a little misleading to say "these are the facts". But anyway - this is waaaay off topic now :). Once again, no offence intended.

  • I think its a mistake to trust one website with statistics and base a debate off it.

    "It is worth noting a few possible anomalies with these statistics. For example, overestimation may occur with page refreshes, loading resources like css or JavaScript files, and feed readers may be counted."(

    Here are some other sources:

    As long as those numbers don't change significantly, I wouldn't hesitate to predict, who's winning. If HTML5 isn't hardware-accelerated on the majority of browser/operating system combinations, it is too slow compared to Flash, to have any success for now.

    At this point in time - flash games are undoubtable more accessible than html5 games (i dont think anyone is debating this). So why do we make html5 games? Because it is the way of the future (i dont think anyone debates this either do they?) - were embracing new tech!

    (Now this shows a trend!) - And if it continues growing like this, it wont be long at all.

  • Vladoss, im still interested in your development mate.

    Your game is really good (Concept wise). To be honest i just havent had the time to invest in your game (I still find it really hard!). Its paticularly unforgiving when you realise you have made a mistake right at the end and cant figure out where you went wrong.

    Im not sure what the difficulty is for others - but you could lure someone like me in a bit more if your begginer stages were a little smaller. Let me feel smart a bit before you throw a really hard challenge my way.   

    Also maybe you should comment on some others work, then with any luck they would be obliged to do the same for you.

  • This was an interesting read.

    I'll admit that im not fully up to speed with the state of things. But that article is not evidence of a trend.. They state themselves that they as a company failed to monotise, the last thing they are going to say as a failing company is that the market was ready we were just imcompetent. (From what i gathered they took a risk with facebook - didnt produce smooth running games - so naturally were not popular).

    When i first stumbled across here, i quickly realised my ambitions of releasing iphone apps was going to have to wait. I then started building a game for the chrome web store - but now im thinking Kongregate is the way.

    If im not mistaken there isnt any benefit to using flash there financially, (i hope im not mistaken!). I can understand your concern Gonzdevour, but I think your focusing on a dead end (for now) instead of seeing an opportunity. You said yourself - how can you compete with a good free game? Be a good free game yourself :)

  • No problems at all, i think whatever feels comfortable is acceptable. I couldnt tell you the best key to use (in my opinion of course) without seeing more of your game.

    Generally though it would depend on what my character could do. In a simple mario game i would use "S" for jump and "D" as the alternate fire (as to keep both hands involved).

    In a game like ghouls and ghosts (where your player has to tap a button relentlessly to hold back waves of enemies) then i would use the up arrow for jump and "D" for attack (my left is already doing enough work).

    Re: the GUI - Good points i agree, as it is right now youve done a pretty good job. Interested to see how you refine it though. Keep up the good work.

    Sorry for the longwinded answer. - Now back to work on mine! :)

  • Very nice game, thanks for the link. Did you also check out the developers video?

    It has a few interesting things in it about their approach to creating the game - But what i found even more interesting was "Windows Aid app store". Exciting times for html :)

  • Hi Stefan,

    Cool little game, i did enjoy it thank you.

    It ran perfectly on my system but i can see your reason for concern - what i am planning on doing for my creation is including a "FPS" counter. That way you will be able to get raw data instead of subjective.

    As for the gameplay - the cannon shoots well, but for your style of game i would personally rather drag the mouse in the opposite direction for power, (shooting the cannon feels like shooting a sling shot).

    Towards the end i was getting a little impatient with waiting for the bombs to explode - they could possibly be on a quicker timer.

    Even with starter graphics you've made it look nice. Well done.

  • Good ideas

    Lets commercialise the book right now!


    Lol wait! Can i download it first. :)

    Really good work btw, i know it will come in handy. Thank you!

  • Hey Buffalophil, i know you said to post in the arcade section but i didnt want to make a massive wall of text there.

    I can see another of your (good) influences from the Nes in this one. Ghouls and ghosts : Not only with the run and armour effect but the difficulty.

    The game plays really smoothly, watching the youtube video doesnt do your game justice imo. I had a totally different experience to what i was expecting.

    One issue with the controls, if you are moving diagonally - ie 2 movement keys pressed, often you cant attack. Im not sure how to fix it unfortunately (your probably also aware of it but have learned to manage).

    Also, i am notorious for this - but were the controls explained somewhere? I couldnt figure out how to shoot arrows.

    When you implement the shop ill definately be back to play this.

  • Coming along well Tasty, I really like those layers in the background. The sky is really well done too.

    I noticed a couple of graphic glitches, and arrow or two facing the wrong way or rock sticking out of the ground where it shouldnt towards the end of the second level.

    (strictly my opinion again) but I think that shift is a horrible key to have as jump. (Using shift as jump reminds me of the days when we played shooters without the mouse and used ctrl to fire). Apart from the problem with sticky keys, its also a bit clunky - either you have to reposition your hand to be able to press shift button comfortably with your index finger (often leaving your hand in a position thats not ergonomic). The other option of course is for people to leave their hands comfy on the keyboard and use your little finger to jump. Either way - 10 mins into the game they will be feeling it.

    This has turned into a major rant by now, but to me this is a vital basic to get right. Comfortable controls.

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  • I ran into a similar problem a couple of days ago.

    Its a little bit of a muckaround but it works. Maybe it will for you I dont know :p

  • Thanks for the input Ashley, been digging around and I think I have a much better understanding of how it all works now (image-wise). I was hoping this plugin might let me do things like animate a waterfall for instance, while still technically being a tiled background for optimisation. No matter though.

  • Haha yes, when you add in the loading time the game it was quite painful. Ive tried to use Amiga emulators on the pc but its just not the same. I guess it'll never be the same though (the glory days). I need an old school amiga monitor lol.

    Im familiar with those games i had no idea it was his work. I might give From Dust a go. Cheers.