GenkiGenga's Forum Posts

  • :) Fantastic <img src="smileys/smiley41.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • That plugin sounds great! Arent they officially supporting html5 now? (or did you mean the achievement things and stats etc).

  • Interesting stuff, thanks for that Noise.

    You have a nice colour pallete - i really like the way you set it up. If you take requests I would personally like to see you expand a bit more on what colours go together and those that clash (and why).

    P.s You have definately come to the right place :) Ive used so many engines and never really grasped much but here things seem to make sense.

  • Ah ok, cool.

    Yeah all the zooming thats required would slow me down for sure, but i enjoy the fine control with the layouts im working with.

  • I personally never use the snap to grid.

    Quick question though, what is it that your aligning?

    Some good advice i read in a post by Ashley was that you really should be using tiled backgrounds wherever it is possible (instead of sprites). The boost this gives to framerate is phenomenal.

    You both might know this already - but I thought it was worth mentioning anyway (Would have saved me a lot of time resizing sprites anyway!).

  • Hey there CleitonEldron,

    Well done, you took a really simple concept and made it fun. I think with some more work on the animations and variation in the scenery you could potentially have a very popular title.

    What were the oil barrels for?

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  • 01lifeleft - That sneak peak is awesome, thanks for a laugh :)

    Loki, just out of curiousity - what are your main influences?

    I was looking over some old amiga games on youtube and if you havent seen "It came from the desert", its well worth checking out. The use of the strong (yet simple) storyline really keeps you intrigued.

  • A, S and D are perfect for buttons if your using arrows. (left hand in the same position as touch typing).

  • Wow, this looks exactly like a game i played called Tits in space! lol.

  • Lol, i think Tits in Space is pretty epic - but i'd stick with Starborn :)

    Nice to see a couple more rooms. Im paticularly interested to see how the mini games work.

  • Lol oh the one with the c2 pic on it? Its working! Jesus.. that was a scary couple of hours.

    Thank you guys and sorry to disturb!

  • Thanks Ashley.

    Is my caproj file the gamename.uistate? Ive tried to delete any reference but it keeps calling for it when i attempt to load.

    When i created my project i chose the option to save it in a folder rather than cap.x (I have no idea if that is relevant).

  • Im sorry i made a mistake in my intial post,

    the first error was that the event sheet was empty, i had a look and it had no text in it, despite being aroun 223 kb.

    When i deleted it it came up error event sheet missing

    I tried to replace it with a blank xml of the same name and it come up as error event sheet empty again. :(

  • Thanks for the response.

    I did follow through with that but it then it came up with the error msg: said event sheet is missing it must have been manually deleted.

    I have sent it to support. I really hope its retrievable :(

    If they dont have any luck i would be grateful if you took a look.

  • Hey guys,

    My power was cut - (construct2 wasnt open) but when i went to open my project it says there is an event sheet missing. Its not an important event sheet - id be happy to delete it.

    Is there a way to get into my project at this point? I dont know what to do...