I think i found a bug in the platform behavior.
I filed it as a bug, But i'll make a thread here to see if someone knows a work around.
Basically im using the platform behavior.
I have set custom controls up with it.
I also have a variable for each parameter of the behavior <-- Because im cool [8)]
I have one im using that's pretty important. Im using a max and min speed variable (originally just one var, But because of this issue i now have 2)
If the spacebar is down then im setting players speed to MaxPlayerSpeed(600)
If its not down, then im setting players platform speed to PlayerMinSpeed(300)
Im basically making the player sprint.
But the problem is if he is sprinting and i press up to jump whilst running right it works fine, But im sprinting and i press jump and he's running left it doesn't jump..
Any ideas/solutions as to why?