GenkiGenga's Forum Posts

  • Is that new music? Its sounding great :)

    I couldnt seem to get a rapid fire going anymore with the pistol? Perhaps it is because of the control key?

    If your catering for 2 keyboard layouts then ctrl for shooting is a great idea in theory, but i still think its not in a very ergonomic position for the hand.

    Im liking the new crouch though! Much easier now to quickly crouch and fire when the enemy appears.

  • Save the Cakes!

    What he said.

    Lol just wanted to bump this - I bet your a busy man talkinghead, no pressure to finish quickly. Just supporting!

  • Ah i see, i think that the issue with scrolling the web page with arrow keys was resolved so it shouldnt be an issue now. (I could be wrong)

  • Urrgh i just lost a pretty long post so forgive me but im just going to sum up what i said in brief points.

    1. New tutorial is great! - you havent explained the swtches and doors though. (maybe that is already on the way)

    2. Playing your game was fun now - but level 1 was too hard for me! I made it to the last switch but ill be damned if i know how to get back! On one hand i am frustrated i couldnt beat it - at the same time that same frustration is kind of drawing me back to trying again.

    3. The more i played the game the more unresponsive the site was becoming. (kept saying is not responding) I was using IE9

    All in all - a very good update to the game. Keep it coming :)

    P.s Yes this is me trying to be brief lol.

  • Nice seedelec.

    This looks like it would be a good facebook game. The way the score comes up after each stage is really nicely done. cool graphics. Easy on the eye :)

    Just some food for thought: I got up to about stage 6 or 7 and had enough. Some things that would have kept my attention longer would have been - a few different noises instead of the one swatting sound. The introduction of a fatter bug by about stage 5 would have been nice - maybe he takes a couple of swats to be squashed :)

  • Cool game amiltonbr.

    I love some of the effects you have and the way all those shells start piling up next to you when using the machine gun :) The overall experience is pretty good.

    Just something to consider : I found your button setup to be not be very intuative. For a QWERTY keyboard you have users jumping with wedding finger, shooting with the middle and crouching with the index.

    put your hand on the desk and tap a button with your wedding finger for a while - your hand starts cramping. Alternatively, try jumping and shooting smoothly (with the pistol) at the same time - my hand cant keep up with my brain.

    If you dont want to use up arrow for jump and crouch for down arrow (im guessing your saving these keys for ladders), then set crouch to the wedding finger (as you dont crouch very often), jump to middle finger and shoot to index finger (that finger can handle rapid fire).

    I know it gets hard when you have multiple keyboard layouts to consider - Im just trying to give you a good impression of playing with a QWERTY.

    Sorry for post length :/

  • Ah it seems IE9 is the problem, it works for me in chrome.

    Cheers Kyatric.

    From a purely technical standpoint (ignoring art assets) the game is pretty fun. Good job.

    The fact that you respawn so quickly after dieing is really good in a game like this. And some of those stages.... Stage 5 is insane - by far the hardest level in the game! I died maybe 50-60 times by the end of my playthrough.

    A couple of questions : Was the way your player interacts with moving platforms intended? Because if not hunt the forums you will find some workarounds to be able to jump properly.

    Why after every 5 stages do you have the player returning to the menu screen? The main menu button is ever present throughout the whole game - so you can get back there whenever you want! This breaks the flow of the game in my opinion and confuses the player.

    If you are dead set on keeping that mechanic then i would suggest adding ticks or crosses through the stages the player completed so progress can be tracked.

    With some good graphics we could have another meatboy on our hands.

  • Nice quick progress Talkinghead!

    All aboard the multiplay train "Wohooooooo"

  • Hi Biio - Just wanted to let you know that your link isnt working.

    I'll try again later - but i just wanted to say something quickly about feedback. If you ask your friends or family for feedback - often (if not always!) all you will hear is "Wow thats Very Good". That is why getting feedback that challenges your own perspective is particularly valuable.

  • Wow, its nice to see some really different ideas being used.

    Hi Loki, She told me to sleep but i didnt want to so i turned the game off - haha you cant get past that bit yet can you? :)

    Interesting use of graphics - did you do the art yourself? Its very good. Not too much to comment on really but i like what i see so far.

  • Hi Wilfryed,

    Nice start :)

    Theme is good - lol that snow beast is freaky!

    I like the minamilist style with your art, but i think your project is either too low resolution, or too far zoomed in. A bit of distance really works wonders for these type of assets. (Even the picture of your avatar looks so much better here than it does in game).

    Sword and sorcery is a really good example of this (and a great source of inspiration, but i'll bet you have already played it).

    Just my 2 cents anyway - Looking forward to seeing more of this.

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  • <img src="smileys/smiley41.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Cheers Yann, flipping and resizing worked perfectly.

    You guys are great, there really should be a donate button on users profiles because I would be glad to spare some change every time an issue is quickly resolved like this.

    Thank you both.

  • From what I gather, families will bog them down for a while so they did a bit of last minute tuning before they undertake an epic journey and slay the dragon.. ahh finish families.

    There is a fairly epic discussion about exporting to exe, Talking head was looking into setting up a wrapper that functions as an exe - So as long as you can make your game smooth enough in the browser it should be good enough in my opinion! (fingers crossed!)

  • Thanks for the quick response Kyatric,

    Pixel rounding did work with the objects that were flat, however ones that i had rotated at all still have the same thing happening as you can see in this pic.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Fully up to date with graphic drivers and construct.


    Im not sure if a capx would be useful but here it is.

    Or perhaps you shouldnt be rotating tiled backgrounds at all?

  • Looks promising, great game for handhelds.

    Cant wait to try