Fib's Forum Posts

  • Do not upload a Scirra Arcade export to, it will inevitably result in issues. I've uploaded 10+ C2 & C3 games to and have never had an issue unless there was a bug in one of the plugins.

    Export your project as regular HTML.

    Make sure you have your project setup properly:

    if it still doesn't work there is one potential issue that caught me off guard recently. The latest stable of C3 removed support for the legacy javascript module loading or whatever. So if you have any 3rd party plugins you will have to make sure they support the new javascript modules or else they just won't work. I would check each 3rd party plugin and see if there are new versions you can update to.

  • You can achieve that with the built in Bullet behavior.

    1. Give the cross a negative acceleration when you first throw it out
    2. Compare it's speed every frame, if speed is equal to 0 (or less than some really low threshold) then:
      1. Turn the acceleration to positive
      2. Change the angle of motion in the opposite direction

    You'll have to tweak the speed and acceleration values to get the motion just right, but it'll work.

  • Hello,

    I just added 2 new ideas for much needed visual effects. Bloom and simple color grading. I feel like having these 2 effects would give a more professional look to all C3 games.

    Let me know what you think. Does C3 need these effects? Add some votes to those ideas if you like them.

  • Never mind I got it working. I had to update the ProUI plugin to the latest version.

  • My game works just fine when I run it from the editor. But when I export it in R251.2 and run it on localhost, I get an error and it won't run. Worker mode is off.

    The error is: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property of 'Plugins' of undefined

    When I turn worker mode on, I get a different but similar error.

    Does anyone know what it means?

  • I didn't notice any bug. But checking the debugger that 1 sound plays ~20 times at once. No sound is going to sound good 20 times at once.

    Part of it is the sound itself has a long tail, so lots of opportunity to overlap and cause phasing issues. You should probably just use a much shorter sound, like 0.2 seconds. But to kind of fix it I did 2 things, first I simply cut the last 1 second out and added a fade out. Second I used a high pass filter to cut out the bass frequencies below 200 hz (sometimes if a bunch of low bass builds up it muddies up the sound).

    Next I modified your events to limit the number of times a single sound file can play simultaneously. I did that using a dictionary. When a sound is played, I add it to the dictionary with the file name as the key and count the value up. When the sound ends I subtract 1 from that key. If the count of a specific sounds gets above a threshold then I just stop playing it until enough sounds end.

    It sounded a bit better after I did those 2 things. I hope that helps!

  • Hey, you're welcome. I think you would just stop inversing the speed percentage. That way if your current_speed increases then max_zoom will also increase.

    So instead of:

    Inverse percentage of speed = 1 - (current_speed / overall_max_speed)

    You would instead do:

    Percentage of speed = (current_speed / overall_max_speed)

    So the entire equation ends up as:

    Set Layout Scale = min_zoom + (max_zoom * (current_speed / overall_max_speed))

  • I'll just use your tutorial as a jumping off place and try to work through it myself. I'm hoping to create something re-usable and to support all the Dialogue Designer features.

  • Its under intermediate examples called "Dynamic camera system". But its only found in the beta release R229.

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  • Thanks for the example LukeW! I just bought dialogue designer and was going to work through my own importer in C3, but I see you've already done that!

    It would be awesome to get a plugin for it so it's more streamlined.

  • Thank you Scirra for the mesh distortion editor! I love it and can see the amazing possibilities.

    I have a small feature request though. Could we be able to multi-select the mesh points by box selecting, or by shift/ctrl clicking? That would make it way faster to move lots of mesh points around at once.

    What does everyone else think?

  • Is it possible to tweak the physics settings of the particles to make them act like a gas rather than a fliud?

  • After you create an object, it's only picked for that top level event you created it in. If the engine moves onto the next top level event, your newly created object cannot be picked anymore until the start of the next tick. It's just a quirk in Construct you have to get used to.

    So you'll need to find a way to manipulate your newly created object within the same top level event before the engine moves onto the next top level event.

  • Maybe just check the spritesheets that C3 auto generates and see if anything looks messed up. Right click on the root of your project, hover over Tools, then click "View spritesheets".

  • (Please don't use single process anymore. It's always bugged and gives no advantages in general.)

    What do you mean by single process? Is that a NWjs flag?