Fib's Forum Posts

  • I made it in ~8 hours of work. My best score is 13. Hope you like it :)

  • Random without repeats can be accomplished with the Advanced Random plugin. I think it only works with numbers but you can create a lookup table to map it (0=a, 1=b, etc).

    You'll have to store the results of the random output in an array though.

  • Does anyone know how the "Wait" system action is implemented? Is it like setTimeout() function in JavaScript, where a function is called after a time? Or like a Coroutine from C#, where the execution of a function is paused in a way?

  • XHXIAIEIN Agreed!!! We need the ability to link back to a parent node and link a node back to itself very badly. I don't think messy arrows is a big deal. I can live with it for a while as long as the functionality is there. But arrow management will also need to come *eventually*.

  • Thanks a lot Fib! Also cool to hear that it's useful to you.

    I'm not sure I fully understand your suggestion, I think you are on Discord as well, might be easier to chat there. :)

    Ok cool. I'll message you on Discord once I get a break from work.

  • Hey fedca, I just donated to support you making these awesome effects.

    I have a feature request for the Luminosity Mask effect. Can you add a second threshold value so we can affect a range of luminosity? There would be a lower threshold and upper threshold. I think it would make the effect even more powerful.


    Tint only the midtones - set lower threshold to 30% and upper threshold to 60% and add a color tint

    Increase the saturation of shadows and highlights separately - create 2 masks, one of them set lower threshold to 0% and upper threshold to 30%, then the 2nd mask has lower threshold of 70% and upper to 100%, then add a HSL effect to both and change the saturation differently for each

    What do you think?

  • fedca, you are my hero! I've been wanting a bloom effect in C3 for years. Yours works so beautifully too. Thank you so much!

  • Overboy I went back and read through your whole suggestion. I agree with a lot of it.

    Arrow management, definitely.

    Conditions in the node options so they can transition automatically if condition is true, hell yes.

    Nodes with multiple inputs, I'm pretty sure it can already do that.

    A few different node types like link to other flowchart, random, and potentially sequence, yes

    I just don't like each node having it's own event sheet. I think it would encourage spreading logic around too thin, which would make issues harder to debug. If Scirra decides to implement that then cool, I won't complain, but I won't use it either.

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  • I've had good success using an external editor called Gridless. It exports as json. It can be imported and read into C3 very easily with the json plugin.

  • I love this! Great idea. I'll definitely try to join and make something super small but replayable.

  • Also it still assumes feature that are not yet included in Flowchart features :

    -indeed it would require us to be able to duplicate Nodes to avoid the pain of manually creating every single variable every time in the right order, with the right name etc...

    But then, if you want to expend the system of this "node type", you would need to manually add that Variable in all existing nodes + change the index where output are actual node links instead of variables.

    I 100% agree. I feel there needs to be a node template system, where if the template node is updated then all the other "copies" update automatically, at least for # of outputs, output index, and their names.

  • piranha305

    Why are you setting the "variables" as node outputs, how would you branch this Dialog node to other Dialog nodes. Outputs is supposed to store other nodes, not the "variables" of the current node.

    The Dialog Node should be linked to other Dialogue Nodes.

    It sounds like your brain is stuck on "nodes=behavior". It's just data. The output is an optional piece of data on the property, where instead of storing numbers or strings, it stores a reference to different node.

    If you go up 8ish posts you'll see my screenshot that shows how dialogue nodes would flow into each other.

    Overboy I'm not saying your points are completely invalid. I think using flowcharts to drive behavior using mini event sheets inside the flowchart editor is a valid suggestion. I just don't personally like that idea because I like to keep my behavior and my data separate. But flowcharts aren't even fully functional yet even just for data storage (ex: you can't create cycles so FSMs are impossible).

  • Fib Yeah but this means we have to recreate every single ACE that already exist in Construct 3 to create our own awful node-based Unreal-like Blueprints ?

    Then just don't recreate Blueprints then. It's just a way to store data in a graph structure. No different from array, dictionary, or json.

    Also it still doesn't solve the Node Data issue i keep mentionning. What about the avatar sprite, the avatar animation, the text animation and so on ?

    A node is very similar a dictionary where you create your own properties. Sure, if you want to stuff 20 pieces of data into a single property then go for it. Or you could just have 20 properties on the node with different names. Or create 20 nodes each with 1 property. The world is your oyster.

  • My idea is similar to piranha's above. You don't implement EVERY node individually. You have reusable nodes where you implement the generic behavior once. In this example there are only 3 node behaviors, wait, random, and dialogue.

    Overboy I see your point about node templates though! Having to recreate the dialogue nodes inside the flowchart editor every time is a pain. Two solutions, have the ability to duplicate a node, or when creating a node ask us if we want to "create a node from scratch" or "create a node from a template" and have another field for template name on the node.

  • Need to remember the right order of token (is the 17th token in the output data the string-based sound to play when this node is reached ? or it is the wait X second values argh i don't remember, argh i don't have enough space to see all the tokens at once, oops i skipped token 6, mmh i wish i had autompletion for the avatar sprite name) + use tedious token expressions to parse and interprete the data.

    What tokens are you talking about and why would you have to remember them all? If youre just talking about node tags then I don't see the issue. C3 has tag systems everywhere, audio, timers, tweens, solid collision filter, etc. Why would node tags be any more cumbersome than those?