CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • I'm flying with the questions this week, very sorry I'm just constantly hitting walls which are quite easy to break down.

    This is my last for the week:

    I want to store the starting position of a sprite (and its copies) so that when they get displaced I can return them to that position.

    My context is I have a platform made of physics objects (multiple copies of the same sprite) - these sprites can be moved, lets say a ball hits them and they all scatter. What I want to happen is for them to return to their starting position after they've been scattered.

    I promise that's the last cry for help you'll get from me this week forum. :)

  • I actually mean in-game, which makes me think it must be obvious.

    But yes also in the editor would be useful.

  • Is it possible to group a collection of sprites and have them rotate arround the center of the combined group? Best I can get so far is to have each individual sprite roate on its own axsis haha.

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  • Scratch that, figured it out :)

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Gah I messed up

    So there's another complication. The player character, when the player character gets close to an attractor and the attractor is "on" - I need the bees add force towards the player.

    I've got distance(playerbase.X,playerbase.Y,attractor.X, attractor.y) to determine the distance but it seems to only apply to one of the attractors.

    Any ideas?

  • Bit weird to ask for a phone number I think

  • I've got another challenge for you, volume based on speed.

    GameObject speed = 0 : stop "sound"

    GameObject speed > 0 : start "sound"

    set "sound" volume to GameObject speed : min -20db / max 0db + rate

    I'm sure it could be very similar to the proximity volume, I've been messing with it for an hour and had no luck so far

  • haha yeah thats....pretty obvious.

    I've never used 'pick'

    Thanks guys :)

  • I have a sprite called "Attractor" instances of this sprite have been copied a number of times within a scene

    I have a sprite called "Bee" again with multiple instances.

    I want to give the attractors two states "on" and "off" - every 5 seconds I want the system to pick one attractor at random and to turn it to "on" while turning the others "off"

    At the same time, when an Attractor is "On" I want to tell the bees (which are physics objects) to apply force to the "On" Attractos position.

    Does this make sense?

    I can't figure it out. I don't know how to control different instances of the same object. Especially I don't know how to tell the Bees to move to the different instances of that same object.

  • Cheers yeah, the audio is pretty essential in this game and working within the construct 2 audio limitations can be...tough. All I need now is panning, just simple panning :(

  • sqiddster

    I figured it out :)

    Here I made this little build for you to hear the proximity based area sounds. I took all the gameplay out all you can do is run around the level. Use arrow keys to move. Press space in the beginning to remove the platform.

  • I think this is the most interesting thing I've watched all year

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  • Ah I figured it out almost!

    every tick

    for each "emitter"

    distance < threshold

    trigger once

    / play

    every tick

    for each "emitter"

    distance > threshold

    trigger once

    / stop

    But when I copy different instances of the emitter, it only plays one instance of the audio, it's not emitting the same sound multiple times at the different sources.

  • sqiddster

    Sorry do you mean

    System Compare

    First Value : -distance(playerbase.x,playerbase.y,audioemitterac1.x,audioemitterac1.y) / 80 + -10



    Stop audio

  • sqiddster

    I wonder if I could poke your brain a bit more.

    How could I use this formulae to say that if the player is out of range of the emitter, stop playing the audio file but if he is within the range of the emitter to start playing it?

    This way I could place several of these emitters in a level and trigger the area sound dynamically without using lots of resource constantly looping the sound in the background even if it is inaudible.