CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • sqiddster EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIII it works! woo! Marvellous thank you

  • thanks a lot guys this looks good will try it out at lunch

  • I get that, but doing it this way would not mean a smooth gradient of volume it'd step.

    For example, if player is 599 px away from sprite : set volume to -20

    if player is 589 px away from sprite : set volume to -19.5

    if player is 579 px away from sprite : set volume to -19


    There has to be an efficent dynamic way of doing this using min / max values set to clamped variables. I just can't work it out.

  • I want to compare the distance between two sprites and adjust the volume of an audiofile accordingly and to update every tick.

    So if player is 600 px or greater distance from the emitter i want to stop playing the file.

    If the player is less than 600 px I want to play the file and to have its volume to ramp up incrementally from -20db.

    If the player is within 100 px of the emitter I want the volume to set at 0 db.

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  • There's a way of doing it without duplicating audio files or writing a custom plugin for sure, I just don't know quite know how to do it.

    We can control the volume of an audio file via a variable. I just don't know how to link and clamp that variable with the volume properties of an audio file.

  • Here's the setup:

    I have a player sprite and an 'emitter' sprite, what I want to happen is when the player gets within a range of say 600 px of the emitter, I want the engine to play and loop an audio file.

    I want the volume of the audio file to increase to a maximum of 0db and to a minimum of -20 dependant on the proximity of the player sprite to the emitter sprite.

    When the player is out of the range of the emitter, I want the engine to stop playing the audio file.

    I can do most of this myself but I can't work out how to set up the variables and limk them with the volume of the audio file and to clamp the min / max range of said audio file.

    Any help will be appriciated.


  • harrio - haha cheers

  • KaMiZoTo - Thanks, yeah I'm aware of the lighting problems, I'm just experimenting with it all now, I like the hard contrast between light and dark but it'd make it easier to just lighten the whole scene more.

  • - Thanks man, the scope of the project has been limited,

    I can't imagine the game time to extend much further than 3 hours, reason being I actually want to finish it!

    The frame rate is a bit sh*t because of the fraps capture, it runs at 60 fps on my machine using Awesonium and full screen.

  • *New

    Quick tease of half a WIP level played in the 'map' view at 4x speed.

    As usual, everything is pre-alpha - nothing looks like it will. :)

    [TUBE] [/TUBE]


    Updated pre-alpha gameplay:




    New little video of our game Orbit. This shows some more mechanics and some update visuals. Let me know what you think :)

    For some reason YouTube has made the video SUPER dark, it's not that dark in-game.

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">


    Hi all I've been making a game called Orbit for the last couple of months and I wanted to start showing it in its early stages.

    Orbit is an action puzzle game set within a network of defence satellites orbiting Earth, you play as an AI who maintains this network using the abilities of humanoid engineers and robotic drones.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    My idea is to make an action game where you don't shoot or punch or have any offensive actions. My main influences are Knytt Stories and Dark Souls.

    Let me know what you think, it's early stages but it's a game I've been planing to make for a couple of years now.

  • haha good idea

    Here's two:

    Terrible platforming controls in that last one, not a bad idea though I might revisit it.

    I have more but they're all sh*t.

  • It works! Unfortunately though the scroll speed when switching between the objects to follow is very slow.

  • linkman2004

    You are a cool guy

  • Kyatric - Thanks, man - I really appreciate the comments. :)

    CrudeMik - Is camera switching not working for you? I haven't found any problems with that, but it's tough to generalize without seeing what you have. In the mean time, I'll look at adding an "Unfollow" action and hopefully get a new version up tomorrow.

    That's awesome, I'm really sorry the project I'm working in is massive at the moment it's a right mess to try and plug the magicam back into it in the same way.

    An unfollow command would totally fix it though :)

  • You would have to set a variable (AllowedToMove) and state that when AllowedToMove = true

       Left Button is down >> Simulate Left

       Right Button is down >> Simulate Right

    and so on. And then tell that variable to be false when the movie is playing and true at the end of it.

    If Movie is playing >> AllowedToMove = false

    If Movie has stopped >> AllowedToMove = true

    Thanks, I actually already solved it using a similar method. I just had a brain freeze :)