CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • How would I set the game to ingore gamepad input?

    I have an action where I press a button which triggers an animation. I want to ignore input while the animation plays and then re-enable input when the animation has finished.



  • linkman: Awesome job so far.

    I a few actions in the start of layout, I'm getting the camera effect I'm wanting. AWESOME !

    CrudeMik: Are your characters two distinct object types or instances of the same object type ?

    They're two distinct object types

  • Excellent in principle but I can't seem to get it to work either

  • Crap I've taken it out of the cap for now. I'll mock something up

  • This is extreamly excellent. I'm having trouble switching between followed objects though, in my game I have two characters the player can control. I can't work out how to 'un-follow' one character to switch focus to the other.

    I tried setting up multiple cameras too but that didn't seem to work, I can't seem to 'de-activate' a camera


    NOTE: hold down left mouse button to make trails

    Not sure if something like this is anything like what you are talking about but - just to explicate how simple it is - it took about 5 minutes. And the source image is yucky with the alpha going into the border. Yet still pretty neat.

    Edit: Let me know if the above is part of the effect you are going for and if so, I will put some more time into it and get those mist effects like shown in your image working.

    That's cool!

  • Do you still want it to be able to move when its gravity is at 0?

    Yeah ideally but, static 'pockets' of 0 gravity would be interesting

  • Try Construct 3

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  • There was this iOS game that did this perfectly...can'

  • Is there any way I can tell some physics object to ignore gravity?

    So say I have a ring of light and whenever a physics object is within that ring of light, I'd want it to ignore gravity. Where everything outside of that ring of light is still affected by gravity.

    Any ideas?



  • Super tough, the death jingle clashes with the music.

  • play by name


  • Also looking more into it, it doesn't look like Firefox is going to support it for a long time and there's not be any mention of it in IE and Opera.

    Chorme / Awesonium + Safari has got to be worth it though.

    I'll stop banging on about it.

  • I would have to agree.

    I don't see it much different than supporting webgl or the controller which only worked on a few browsers before. But this could be a lot more complicated. I'm talking from complete ignorance ha, but if a beta version of more webaudio functions is possible then it'd be a game changer.

    I know 3 serious developers who don't consider Construct an option because of the audio, they all use Game Maker and its FMOD plugin. WebAudio has potential to smash that.

  • > Well, post it! I wish to see it!

    *SIGH* Would you all like to see the unfinished version with the lame music which I will most likely be replacing? <img src="smileys/smiley11.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Or I can keep working on it to get it in a state I'm happy with? <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I can show you it so far, but I'm not too pleased with the music... not pleased at all really.

    Sent you some tunes man! :) Don't worry I will not be offended if you don't use them haha

  • Just going to bump this as I'm still totally stumped. I still can't get the right analog stick to aim properly like in a twin stick shooter.