CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • For Each still only impacts one instance, I can't really work out why. Here's another example:

    For Each "Door"

    - System, distance("door.x","door.y","player.x","player.y") < 40

                - door open

    - System, distance("door.x","door.y","player.x","player.y") > 40

                - door close

    This just doesn't work when there are multiple 'doors' in the level.

  • Anyone think this technique can be adapted to C2?

  • This only happens in Chrome it seems, Firefox it runs smoother in full-screen.

  • Cheers, I quite like those Seekers looking very bright, but it's just placeholder art at the moment, Tyler is who is making the art is working on replacing all the crap I produce haha.

  • Does anyone else's frame rate just die when going full screen? I always have to slightly shrink the size of my window to make my games run smooth. It's a difference from 60fps to 10 when in full screen.

    Every now and then though randomly it performs perfect at full screen. Quite odd. Happens across all of my projects.

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  • That is awesome cheers, but this picks only one instance, where if the target sprite is within a distance of say 500 I want the AI to attack no matter how many AI are within that distance.

    Any AI outside of the distance should not be affected.

  • How would I use the distance() command when applying to multiple instances of the same object.

    I have some simple sprites where if the player gets close to one of them the one it is closest to will attack the player.

    At the moment if the player gets close to one of them they all attack the player. Or if I use "for each" only one sprite at a time will attack the player if the player is close to a group of them, they should all attack.


  • Added a new gameplay video


  • Thanks, I've tried so many different ways, my buddy even told me how he would do it in C and I still can't work it out. He was saying you'd made one player class and then give it a players 1-4 variable, then have the player await input and have it filter out the signals coming in and accept only the assigned controler.

    I was trying to duplicate all these different combinations of controllers and players but he said that I should be able to do it only writing one bit of code for the movement and one bit of code for each controller, not separate code for every single combination.

  • I'm going to bump this one last time and then give up haha :)

  • Looks really interesting

  • Any ideas? Do I need to provide more information?

  • Hey all.

    I am wracking my brain trying to figure this out for a multiplayer game:

    I have 4 instances of "robot" out of the 4 players the first person to press "a" I want to become robot 1, the second person will become robot 2 and so on.

    How do make the system know that controller (0 - 3) is players one to 4? I really can't work it out.

    I've got a variable in the robot called 'controller type' and I'm just in am mess of code.

  • Hi all, just a quick note to say that my website has been transformed into a development blog for my game Orbit.

    The first two Orbit related posts are about prototyping using Construct 2.

    So if anyone liked the look of my C2 game you'll find more info on my site :)
