CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • Hey all, I'm wondering if it's possible to separate out the individual RGB channels into their own layers so I can then displace / distort the layers to make some cool effects?

  • Very nice graphics, the video made me feel a bit dizzy though! haha really cool stuff.

  • We are not getting any real audio support until either Firefox stop being lazy and start using the webaudioAPI or until Scirra decide to create a more advanced audio object which is only supported by the Chrome based exporters.

    In my eyes C2 is still in beta because the audio support is so lacking and there's no way I can launch a game using C2 because of this. I mean I could launch a game but it would essentially be half the game it could be.

    Though I do understand the problems faced with supporting multiple browsers and I'm sure audio will be supported eventually. Even the game studio I work at during the day is scared sh*tless of HTML 5 audio, but we recently made the decision to focus on Chrome so things are moving smoother now.

  • Very good!

  • I don't think you're getting what I'm trying to say. Anyway good luck to you.

  • It sounds a little bit like you just want a Nexus so you can have fun with it. This isn't critical to you developing the game, why would we buy you a nexus to play with?

    I want a new monitor, does anyone want to buy me a new monitor?

    Your artist might need a new computer? That sounds like it could be more critical to getting your game developed.

    Ask yourself if you even need an artist at this stage? I thought for a long time that art was holding me back because I didn't have an artist but then I saw an early prototypes of Braid - be bascially made most of the game before he even thought about what it would look like, he did it all with stick figures and no animation.

    Like I said before, try actually making the game, I think you'll realise that you don't need these things your after at such an early stage. When you've got some prototypes together - then you can show these and then properly break down any funding requirements you have.

    Look at this

    This is a new game idea from the guy who made Love - it's all prototype art, everything is so simple - mechanically too - but it does a good job of showing off a core idea. If I saw this video on Kickstarter or whatever and he was like, look I have this idea - check it out - I need 5,000 to pay a freelance artist and sound designer to generate assets for me. I'd find that a much more reasonable proposition to your offer where it just sounds like you want a Tablet for no real beneficial reason to the development of your game at this stage.

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  • I don't get why you need the money so early in development? Why don't you start making the game first, or at least prototype the game to see if the idea is worth developing, let alone worth asking for funding. If it works well you could still make a lot of the game without needing a Nexus. I bet the time it takes to prototype your idea and design the base principles for your game will be long enough for you to save up for the tablet with your own money.

    Comparatively you're not asking for much money next to a lot of crowed-funded projects but I don't think you've really thought about if this is really worth it, at this stage.

    Yes some developers are able to say 'I want money to make my next game' - but this is usually only when the developer asking for the money has an established track record of good games.

    I'm sorry to rant but I think you're just missing the point.

    I think you should read this

  • That's really good thanks, I'll try this with a 'for each' condition so that it works across multiple lights.

    Cheers mate

  • I have multiple light sources in a level called 'light' and I want the brightness of each instance to increase as the player sprite gets closer to them. So this could be a minimum brightness of 30 and a maximum of 90.

    I know how to compare distances, but can anyone tell me how to set up a variable which takes that data and outputs within my own set limits of minimum / maximum brightness?



  • Well done dude!

  • yeah it is smoother but brings up further problems. Does anyone know how the gravity works in code and if there's a way to reproduce this through events?

  • Sorry I can't post a cap it's in a massive project :(

    But yeah I'm using physics, world gravity is set to 0 and for each object which I want to be affected by gravity I am applying downwards force to it. It sort of works but when I stack objects or move them around they start to shake and stutter.

  • I want some elements to be affected by gravity and others not to be.

    At the moment I am trying to fake gravity by applying a downwards force every tick for the appropriate objects but this is causing some problems. Is there a better way to do this?



  • If anyone makes damaged VHS effect, it would be great awesome!

    YES! With colour bleeding :)