CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • Exactly what I've been looking for. Thank you!

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  • This also brings up a question which I have not been able to answer honestly - does a C2 game deserve as much respect as the same game made from scratch?

    If you're critiquing a good game based on its design and aesthetics then absolutely a C2 game of course deserves as much respect. If you're looking at a rubbish game and it's made in C2 vs a rubbish game made entirely from scratch then probably the latter gets more kudos - doesn't keep it from being a rubbish game though.

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  • I use C2 for prototyping and I love it for its speed. Recently I've been trying to make a full game on it and it's holding up pretty well but I don't think C2 is quite ready yet. It's very much lacking in audio functionality, I don't think anyone can compete aesthetically with other games purely because of this technical limitation.

    But - it's awesome, look at Mortar Melon, that's as polished and slick as any game of its kind could be.

  • ooh, I have not. I keep forgetting to learn about containers! Thanks

  • I'm trying to follow along with this, while I can re-create it, my intention in the game is to have an enemy which spins the laser around itself. How would I do this with multiple enemies, 'for each' doesn't seem to do it right.

  • Messing with different types of gravity in Orbit:

    [TUBE]" rel="nofollow][/TUBE]

    How do you embed videos?

  • herniewise - they both look awesome, interesting in the first one how the character is on the furthest back parallax layer, don't think I've seen that before.

  • That looks awesome herniewise

  • More Orbit

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Exported the game for osx, sent to my mate and we can't work out how to launch it. We are very dumb, can someone give us a hand?

  • Ah I see, there's no lag when actually in the game which is cool, I'll play with increasing the cell size.


  • Messing with the new awesome pathfinder plugin and applied it to quite a large layout, the layout now takes quite a while to load, close to 30 seconds.

    Is this normal? The layout size is 13000, 6000

  • yusss got it, now I'm just trying to stop playing the audio file when out of range... IT NEVER ENDS!