CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • Okay, is this typically indicating a performance issue with my game? Just trying to figure out how to fix the issue.

  • Ashley - so in Chrome browser my game is consistently 30fps and through Node-WebKit it's 60fps consistently.

    Is this a bug with Chrome then?

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. for each instance of an 'Emitter' object play looping sound at start of layout

    2. copy Emitter multiple times

    3. set audio listener to a different object.

    Observed result:

    Sounds are emitted by only one or two of the objects.

    Expected result:

    Sound should emit from all of the objects

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes/

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 x64

    Construct 2 version:



  • Thanks chaps - I'll post this up as a bug

  • Here's my action

    Start of layout

    For each 'Emitter'

            Play 'audioFile' looping at object 'Emitter'

    This doesn't work when I copy instances of the 'Emitter' object - the sound doesn't emit from each instance, only one or two of them.

    I have an example capx:


  • Firstly - fantastic work. This really opens up Constructs capabilities. I've a couple of points for feedback in regards to tweaks which will make the system even better.

    • Individual sound ranges, often you will want 'object a' to emit audio over a larger range than 'object b'. Perhaps a 'range' parameter in the play sound at object action.
    • Individual Doppler factor, most area sounds will not require doppler (ambiences) - where other specific sounds will such as engines. Maybe we can use the "tag" system to enable / disable doppler?

    I hope this is useful, I think these two tweaks will make the system fantastic!

    Great work again.

  • I've actually notice this myself in Chrome not just with C2 games but also sometimes with YouTube

  • It's chromium though isn't it? Are they not essentially the same thing?

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  • In Chrome on my browser I'm getting about 30 FPS but when I export and run on the desktop via Node Webkit I easily get 60 FPS.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

  • Thanks, just wondering is it possible to have multiple leaderboards, what I'm after is global, local and friends (facebook). Is this somthing that can pull off?

  • Hi - I don't understand this line in the documentation:

    Set "Init Function" to: clay_init('GAMEKEY')

  • Looks really cool firebelly

  • haha it's not that, this way is just better design I think from re-evaluating the problem. It's simpler, which is often better in my experience.

  • THanks for the suggestions - I've actually decided it's too complex so have given the objects two states, normal where it ignores collision and active, active state is for when in zero gravity.

    Thanks guys

  • Hi all - I'm making a platformer and it's made entirely out of physics. I have a bunch of background objects which I want the player to be able to run through while at the same time be able to jump ontop of - is there a way to check if the player is above an object and to enable disable collisions accordingly?

    One potential problem is that the objects can be rotated freely, so the 'top' of the object might change.

    All the background objects are part of the same sprite - I've tried a few things with for each and pick all and I just can't work it out.

    My character is set up so that it has a physics base wheel and body and also a 'ground detector'

    I've made a little video showing where it is at currently: [TUBE]yOPZsBr84Us[/TUBE]

