CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • It was the distance(0,0,ship.physics.velocityX,ship.physics.velocityY) which worked.

    Using sqrt(sprite.physics.VelocityX^2+sprite.physics.VelocityY^2)

    almost worked except for 'head on' collisions which must have been negative values.

  • Wow thanks, multiple solutions here - got it all working now and I've learnt some new stuff!

  • Hi, I'm having a lot of trouble with this problem:

    I have a spaceship and a variable called 'velocity threshold' - I want it so that if the ships velocity is past the threshold and the ship collides with a wall, the ship should blow up.

    The ship can move in 360 degrees, like asteroids.

    Any help is appreciated, thanks

  • That's cool R0J0hound

    I wonder if there's a system where we can have multiple light sources / limited range of lighting.

    The best example I can think of is Stealth Bastard

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  • How did you do the Dynamic Shadows? Would you be up for sharing the capx?

  • That's awesome cheers!

  • Hey All,

    I want to invert the colours of an area of the screen, imagine i have a sprite which is a circle and anything that sprite covers inverts the colours of the graphics underneath it.

    Any ideas?



  • can anyone walk me through what's happening in this code, I'm having trouble understanding it, I've not worked with arrays before, I've just read a tutorial on them but still foggy.

    Like I can't figure out how the code is altering the size of the ripple pr the width of the sea etc.

    If there's anything anyone can link me to which can provide info a bit clearer than the manual I'd really appreciate it.

  • That is awesome!

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  • Watch this, the water in this game reacts and ripples to physics objects, but it for sure isn't real 'dynamic' water (made of tiny balls).

    Has anyone got any insight into how this could be achieved?

  • Thanks! I'll be putting the prototype up online soon

  • These effects are awesome too Ashley! I'm putting them to use here: [TUBE][/TUBE]

    Three really crucial tweaks to the system are needed though:

    • Ability to adjust range for each sound (or tag)
    • Ability to adjust doppler value for each sound (or tag)
    • Ability to disable panning for positional audio for each sound (or tag)

    With these tweaks, this'll make the audio engine super brilliant.

  • Hope you don't mind me bumping this but has anyone got any idea? Instead of opening a new tab I want a pop-up window.

  • "Go to URL" Action in browser

    Is it possible for this browser action to open a pop-up window instead of a new tab? I'm using this to launch a twitter post and a new tab doesn't look good.



  • [TUBE][/TUBE]

    Just something I'm messing with, a weird 2 player fighting game.