<img src="http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/086/d/0/needs_more_lens_flare_by_ginomw-d3ckmyj.jpg" border="0" />
Don't know if this has been suggested before, but I would love to see something that allows me to change colors in a sprite. I love working with restricted color palettes, and sometimes it would be useful to be able to just say "change sprite color #FF0000 to #0000FF"
We will really like a perspective shader and a Z axis inverter xD
Plasma effects definitely! Just like they were created for Construct Classic:
If anyone makes damaged VHS effect, it would be great awesome!
<img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />
I'll second alspal's crt screen suggestion. Great for simulating the classic arcade look.
Light objects with shadow casting and edge detection would be the bee's knee's :D
YES! With colour bleeding :)
Chromatic Aberration effect like in Teleglitch
I thought of something that would be amazing!!! OUTLINE!!! I worked on Borderlands 2 and The outline really ties things together. Can this be done on a 2d sprite?
<img src="http://i310.photobucket.com/albums/kk412/tendrilsofkraken/OutlineExample_zps81613d56.gif" border="0" />
KSLR : that kind of things isn't going to look great unless you are working with vector Sprites, unfortunately.
I disagree: in the case of platformer terrain it would tie together groupings of sprites.
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Um how about a set color(rgb) effect that preserves alpha, as well as hue, and saturation?
The one we have now gets rid of any shades. That kinda ruins textures.
I would love to see Motion Blur and Bloom.
A simple STROKE!