CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • rythom even if it's triggering on frames you still need to use 'trigger once while true.'

  • So my game Orbit is a platformer made entirely out of physics, I think it works quite well but have spent a loooong time getting it to a place I'm happy with. I've made you a video showing what it looks like with a few physics objects in the scene: - please don't share this everything is WIP.

    Also here's a very old video of it

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    - the game feels much better than this now, but it shows some ramps.

    I've found that using physics makes the game a lot more dynamic, my world is very reactive because of it. Yes you do have less control and it is less precise but with some work you get get to it a point where it's really fun to just round around, my inspiration here has been trying to get somewhere between Knytt and Mario.

  • EncryptedCow

    Wow pick by comparison almost works - but it doesn't work when I have it as 'trigger once' - which is something I need to do for the animation, sound and collisions etc

  • I tried this but it doesn't work because i have multiple instances of everything - It means if I open one door they all open lol

  • I have many doors in my game, each door is opened and closed by a 'power cell', when the player hits the cell, (for the sake of animation) every 0.2 seconds I add one to a 'power cell charge' variable, when the charge reaches 7 I set a 'charged' bool to true.

    At this point, the door opens along with some lights surrounding it.

    To open the door I give every effected sprite a 'cellNumber' variable and I say:

    When PowerCell is 'charge'

    When PowerCell "PowerCellNumber" is 1

    When Door "PowerCellNumber" is 1

    When lights "PowerCellNumber" is 1

    Open door & turn on lights.

    I've got tens of doors in my levels, there's got to be a more simple way of doing this but I've wrestled with it for hours. This current system doesn't even work particularly well.

    Can anyone help me out?


  • Ashley

    Cool, good to know it's on the to do list - did you peep my other post? Suggested that we have an audio object we can use to attach a sound or multiple sounds to it and use that to control ranges, pitch and doppler, like how Unity does it. The global solution we have currently isn't very nice.

    It's still basic stuff but it would give us lots more control as the current way the audio features are implemented are very hard to work with / inhibit reaching acceptable standards.

  • I have multiple sound groups using tags, I want to apply convolution reverb to each group but I can only seem to apply the effect to one tag, is there a way to select mutliple tags?

    I've tried for example, "footsteps" & "ambience" but that doesn't work.

  • JohnnySix

    That's awesome thanks so much.

    Now I just got to figure out how to use this to control engines...this is gonna be one hell of an event sheet haha.

    Official crossfade support shouldn't be too hard to integrate, here's hoping we can do this soon :)

  • Also - being able to adjust pitch of each sound as opposed to tag would be fantastic.

    Best solution I think is to create an audio emitter object like most other game engines like Unity have. You create the object and within it you can assign a sound (or list of sounds), then be able to tick if it's 3D positional, mono or stereo. Adjust it's range, doppler factor and pitch.

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  • Here's my main problems:

    Global positional audio values: We NEED to be able to control the distance and roll-off factors for each sound.

    Global doppler values: We need to be able to select which sounds are effected by doppler, having all or nothing renders the feature practically unusable. I have ambient background loops for say an air-conditioning unit and when I run around it sounds like a weird spaceship taking off.

    Also is it at all possible to be able to hook up FMOD to the engine via a plugin?

  • Hey!

    I'm having some trouble figuring out how to crossfade audio with events, crossfading is a process where as one audio file fades out another one fades in. I need to be able to control the length of the crossfade, and if possible the 'type' of crossfade too. It's quite a core audio feature that many people will find useful.

    Here's an image to demonstrate:

    <img src="" border="0" />


  • Nice mood, some good sounds but watch out for the loop points for the background wind.

  • yeah that's the problem and why I posted the thread, I'm using quite a lot of physics objects in a scene, that's going to be real hard to control taking note of their position and angle. I tried it once before and saw many boxes had glitched and went flying across the layout. This is why I'm curious about saving layout state instead of session state, I'd assume it's the same concept but one step removed.

  • What I'm looking for isn't just save states or maybe it is? I'm confused, I have a game where the player moves between layouts and I want to maintain the history of the layouts within the same play session.

    So player moves stuff around layout a, then moves into layout b and moves more stuff around then goes back to a and everything is as he left it, and when going back to b everything is again how he left it.

    In my mind the save states work for a whole project, if you walk into layout b then back into a, you'll be essentially taking the player back in time to before he even reached b.

    Does that make sense?

  • Is there a way to save the state of a layout as the player moves between them?

    So player character moves a box in layout A, then player transitions to layout B, when he returns to layout A - the box is still moved.

    I know I could do this by recording the position & angle of the objects before the player leaves the layout but I'm working with a LOT of physics objects and they move around wildly so this would be a mammoth task.

    Any ideas?