CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • I've got an idea for something, but I don't know how to do it haha

    So imagine a racing game, where you can email your lap times and ghost car data to a friend from inside the game - or at least be able to download a file which you send to a mate who then uploads it from within the game. Then when they play the game they see their own ghost and also their mates one(s).

    Firstly - ghost cars, I'm thinking of storing the data of the cars position every frame in an array or something? I've never used arrays.

    Second one - Emailing / sending data from within the game, not sure how to go about this. Maybe email / downloading is the wrong way to go about it even. A buddy / user system might be better.

    Anyone have any tips on how to get started coming up with a solution to this?


  • Yeah I can do, project is pretty messy though, I'll clean it up

  • Top down racing physics via custom movement

    Posted a topic on it here

  • I wanted to teach myself custom movement in Construct 2 so had a go at making some top down racing physics. Quite happy with the results, super easy to tweak settings to get different car types etc.

    I used a bar connected to the car which rotates to the angle of the car body with a lag, the lag is increased the faster the car travels. This determines direction of motion and the lag speed can be adjusted to create more or less grip.

  • It doesn't have to be mast volume, just a master bus or something. To be honest though this isn't really a solution, the real solution is to be able to apply effects to multiple tags. "tag1" & "tag2" etc That way we can make mixers. At the moment, if I want reverb in an area I have to have all the sounds under the same tag. So, what if I wanted to control one of those sounds? I can't because if I pull it outside of the reverb tag, it won't be affected by DSP.

  • Can we be able to apply effects to the master audio channel instead of just tags?

    Even better would be to be able to assign effects to multiple tags though.

  • Thanks!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Orbit has now been featured on PC Gamer, showcasing work built in Construct 2

  • Ashley - yeah maybe, I don't really know enough about it. Tested on multiple low-end pc's and laptops and the performance just isn't there, We actually did a live stream with the Area5 / Outlands guys and the game ran really bad on their machine, this is what made us switch engines. So far in Unity it's screaming fast.

    There could be many reasons as to why, but we've extended Unity so that we have similar 9-patch functionality and for whatever reason putting the textures onto polys and scripting in c# makes for crazy speeds in scenes with identical complexity between engines.

    As i say though, C2 is still my go-to 2D engine, just that for whatever reason Orbit wasn't right for it, could have been bad scripting in events on my end, or it could have been trying to render too much or something like that.

  • On my on powerful desktop Construct is fantastic, it's performance on lower end hardware where my issues are. My laptop gets 15-25 fps on my game Orbit. We have recently ported it to Unity and identical scenes with the same physics engine with even more complex features such as volumetric lighting gives me 400fps on the laptop and 3000+ on desktop.

    For this reason I treat construct as a prototype tool and for that it works exceptionally well. The speed with which I can get ideas down is super valuable for me when game designing. But for publishing, in my experience the performance just isn't there for larger projects.

  • My project Orbit has recently taken a bit of a nosedive in performance recently, even still on Chrome BETA 33, and as we haven't added anything that would substantially reduce performance, in fact we've been optimizing. I even went through every collision event to check overlapping collisions were at the top as I thought it was the new collision cells that was causing the problem.

    It seems like a very recent thing for us, maybe over the last two weeks.

  • Thanks for the feedback everyone, it's real good to know things are looking alright so far haha

  • Thanks for the comments all, I've re-uploaded the video with a better codec so it's now much brighter and nicer looking :)

  • RandomFellow heheh yeah