CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • am having trouble trying to re-create a joint from box2D (also I'm stupid). But before I would use "create limited revolute joint" with lower and upper angles of 0 - and that would create a firm, non-flexing or rotating joint between two moving objects at any connecting angle.


    my failure at understanding chipmunk lol

    Here's what I'm trying to do:

  • Just added gravitation physics to all the asteroids - they don't attract each other but they do attract smaller physics objects, means the player can lock into orbit of an asteroid.

  • oh great thanks mattb & R0J0hound

  • is there a tutorial for this? I don't get how to use it

  • Thanks, sorry I'm being a right idiot today, where do I input the angle expression? I'm having trouble working out how to use stuff like in box2D where I'd say apply force +5 at self.angle +90 for example

  • hey, I'm trying to work out how to apply force to a position in Chipmunk, any ideas?


  • mattb thanks for the kind words. I do have a scene in this game where I use the polygon tool and did actually have a splitting mechanic sort of working, but ultimately it wasn't a natural fit for the design and would mean I can't eventually texture the asteroids.

    The player can scan across the whole asteroid field with the arrow keys, but I want to keep the same zoom level as it adds a little tension having an idea of what's coming up but not being 100 percent sure. With the camera I'm going to have an ability to drop waypoints so you can plan out routes.

    I like the idea about the global affectors I've been thinking about similar ideas. At the moment the level generator has a severity meter which determines the initial speed of the asteroids motion.

    I absolutely am going to switch to chipmunk and see what I can do with it, it looks awesome.

    Thanks man.

  • **NEW Video

    AI Routines:



    I'm making a new prototype called 4660 Nereus (at the moment). It's about exploring randomly generated asteroid fields, taking on generated missions, rescuing survivors and expanding / maintaining a mining colony.

    The game started out as a way to create a mix of Lunar Lander and Asteroids but it has since shifted into something much more it's own slower paced thing.

    All Videos (oldest to newest):



    Docking Demo:

    Mission Generator Demo:

    Mining Demo:

    AI Routines:

  • Colludium thanks, that could be a good compromise, I will prototype it and see what happens. Cheers, good luck with Dynamic Sketch Book!

  • Thanks Colludium spongehammer

    In the game, which is zero g - I have two ships the player can control, they can both latch onto moving asteroids and use thrust to slow / speed up rotation or move them through space. This is an aspect I want to maintain

    I know it's a big ask, but without loosing this functionality, I also want the rocks to be made up of smaller elements, so players can break specific sections off and even tunnel in to / precisely split larger asteroids in half, while the asteroids are free to rotate, move and collide with each other.

    Again, I know it's asking a lot and it might require a different tech, like voxels perhaps which I can't do in C2.

  • Hi all,

    I'm making an asteroid mining game caled 4660 Nereus

    I'm generating the levels in code but I'm not happy with the asteroids. I want to be able to generate asteroids made from groups of smaller physics objects, so one large asteroid could be made from 25 / 50 smaller rocks all built randomly, and joined / positioned properly together.

    I have no idea where to start with this, so was wondering if anyone had any ideas or best practices when it comes to generating 'structures' made up of smaller elements.

    Thanks for any help!

  • It'd be great if we could use the rectangle tool to erase large areas of tiles in the tilemap.

  • You're missing Beeswing on Itch

    It's super great.

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  • Mechanics demo of my weird asteroids game "4660 Nereus"

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  • KaMiZoTo Thanks, CoinOp looking great as always