I've been enjoying watching your prototypes & love the sound design in all of them (Attract especially, which I tried to rip-off until discovering that keyboards don't like multiple keypresses).
If you wanted to make your game fully procedural, you could try Yann's polygon plugin - - to generate the asteroids. That would also allow you to split them, which might make an interesting mechanic where you use the laser to carve up specific shapes.
Other ideas:
-let the player zoom out to a macro view & see what's in the neighborhood for planning (fuel, collision interactions).
-have some global affector to the levels like a swirling gravitational field (like the orbit levels in osmos), or a neaby sun where you use line of sight to heat the ships, & shadow casting to see where the cool spots are.
-if this is physics based then i recommend rojo's chipmunk plugin over the native one - it lets you do raycasting, query individual collision points, make any kind of joint...