CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • Looks awesome! Beautiful minimalistic graphics and cool game system! Good luck with this game!!!

    Thank you

  • My first release after 6 years of trying to make games. It's a very simple thing, a 2-player fighting game where you control a couple of weird bird-like creatures.

    I've put it up here:

    And I have a launch trailer up here:

  • WildRoosterGFX noooo!! you weren't insulting at all! It was ME who was being insulting by not offering any money upfront!

    I've muddled along with my own stuff now anyway it looks...pretty shit haha but it'll do.

  • Problem Description

    Cannot navigate to web-page via browser plugin on ios 9 using the default browser.

    Attach a Capx ... Issue.capx

    Description of Capx

    Button opens new window in browser

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 - Press button on ios9 enabled mobile device.

    Observed Result


    Expected Result

    Should open new browser window

    Affected Browsers

    • Native ios 9

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • TELLES0808 - Not lag, just slow mo!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • WildRoosterGFX


    Thanks guys,

    Matt - Brute is veeeerrrry close to completion, waiting on the music artists to finish their tracks and then it's pretty much good to go! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Wild - yeah no pay I'm afraid which is quite insulting.

    Spent a couple hours cleaning the prototype up, looks like this now, might just stick it out as is later in the week:

  • It's cool dudes! I got this, I GOT THIS!

  • I'm having this issue with the new ios upgrade. No idea how to fix, works on android / iphones pre-upgrade

  • RamPackWobble - nice!

  • RamPackWobble - interesting, doesn't work in my project as is but I will explore this technique, thank you

  • I am experimenting with some random level generation and am using objects with basic movement instructions to help me place geometry in a scene.

    It works quite well but isn't very performant because I end up placing thousands of 32x32 objects in the level. I thought it might be smarter to use the tilemap object.

    This is what it currently looks like:

    So I have these little objects that move around and when they collide with an invisible 32x32 object they change it's 'tile type' to 1 - and when a tile type is 1, that object spawns the geometry object. Instead of spawning the geometry object however I'd like to place a tile from a tilemap.

    From what I can tell, I need to feed tilemap coordinates into the object, what I can't work out is how to reference the tilemap coordinate based on the position of a non-tilemap object.

    I'm sure the way I'm doing this is the ramblings of a mad man and there are much better ways of doing this lol

    ps - this is for a highly experimental mode for Brute

  • Cryptwalker - yeah I've seen a video about that RE4 thing, pretty neat. So in Brute I don't think players will be forever stuck because they will always have a choice of 5 or so levels to pick from, so long as they clear one of them then another one opens up, so unless they're stuck on all 5 levels they should be able to progress. I do like your idea but I think I need to keep the game competitive and consistent for the leaderboards (if I can figure out how to implement them)

  • this is not mine kind of a game but i really love the looks of it ! there a demo to try it?

    There's no demo, but there's a technical alpha test if you'd be interested in testing it to see if it runs no your hardware okay?

  • After playing for over an hour i have to say i love everything about this game. The design , sounds and music and even the fact its so hard to get right. I will def buy this when released

    The only one thing i would really change is the size of the bullets, they seem too big. Odd i know

    Thanks spongehammer ! Really nice to hear.

    The size of the bullets is totally influenced by Vlambeer