It's cool dudes! I got this, I GOT THIS!
Hi there,
Is this paid?
As this project looks really interesting,
But i do not have the time to work for free
Please contact me at ,
Either way good luck on your project
i can't help you on this, but do you have any reference pics of the style you're after? the assets are all small & i think your minimal graphics suit it fine.
also hurry up & finish brute!
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Thanks guys,
Matt - Brute is veeeerrrry close to completion, waiting on the music artists to finish their tracks and then it's pretty much good to go! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">
Wild - yeah no pay I'm afraid which is quite insulting.
Spent a couple hours cleaning the prototype up, looks like this now, might just stick it out as is later in the week:
Sorry bud,
Didn't mean to insult you,
But project looks promising
Good Luck with it,
WildRoosterGFX noooo!! you weren't insulting at all! It was ME who was being insulting by not offering any money upfront!
I've muddled along with my own stuff now anyway it looks...pretty **** haha but it'll do.
I see what you mean now about wanting the artwork to be loose & sketchy - those sfx made me think of japanese kite fighting. It'd look great if it was done like sumi-e brushwork with ink splatter trails & particles.