ciko's Forum Posts

  • Thanks, I'm definitely interested. It would be nice to be able to adjust the scrolling speed (If that option doesn't already exist).

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  • > > > Nice but I can't find scrolling behavior for objects which I used in proUI.

    > >

    > > Scrollview behavior is mentioned in the first page, in this same post. Checkout the official documentation site too.

    > >

    > > Here's a short video showcasing capabilities:

    > >

    Subscribe to Construct videos now


    > I didn't understand if it is possible to scroll through more related objects with finger, for example flags of all countries with the names of the countries (I had that done with pro UI).


    > Tnx!

    I dont think I'm following. Do you refer to a drop down list?

    Here's an example of what I was talking about.

  • > Nice but I can't find scrolling behavior for objects which I used in proUI.

    Scrollview behavior is mentioned in the first page, in this same post. Checkout the official documentation site too.

    Here's a short video showcasing capabilities:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    I didn't understand if it is possible to scroll through more related objects with finger, for example flags of all countries with the names of the countries (I had that done with pro UI).


  • Nice but I can't find scrolling behavior for objects which I used in proUI.

  • Аlso a big problem that can arise in my opinion is the dependency on the Cordova that is used less and less every year and I don't know if this even solvable...

  • I meant loading not download time, the time when the icon is clicked to start the game until the time the first layout appears. These are android games, I haven't tested for ios.

  • Tnx for suggestions, since I need every plugin in my games there is nothing I can do about that, It's not a problem that the size of the apk file has increased, but the loading time is much longer even for totally empty project!? actually same as for my other games...

  • I haven't updated my games in almost a year, after updating (apk export without change anything) every game takes at least twice as long to load. Does anyone have similar experiences?

    Also .apk file is bigger...

  • Finally good news...

  • I totally agree, еven Chadori doesn't offer Notch plugin but points to the official plugin which doesn't work. This is must have feature, it's impossible to implement good looking responsive UI without that.

  • Ok, txn for such detailed explanation, now I have to redesign almost every of my games because the notch area used to be able to be hidden and now it can't.

  • Since notch area detection hasn't been working for years does anyone have any tips for designing mobile games when we don't know how much space notch takes up?

  • > but as I understood it is not allowed to create plugins that already exist as construct built-in - official

    There are no rules preventing anyone creating addons that replicate built-in features.

    The built-in addons are not however open source and are not allowed to be used by third-party developers, mainly because doing so causes extremely bad compatibility problems. I think you've probably got the wrong impression from that.

    Maybe, as far as I remember there was some problem related to 'whitelist'... I will see to contact them again because we really need that option to avoid design problems.

  • > Ashley Just one more thing. I wanted to buy


    > but as I understood it is not allowed to create plugins that already exist as construct built-in - official (although construct platform info haven't worked from the start) so there is no possibility for someone else to do something similar. :-(

    At the bottom it is written that the plugin is depreciated

    True, but I talked to them and asked if they could do it and understood that it was what I stated.

    Anyway if we don't check the "hide status bar" option during C3 build, status bar on bottom and notch area on top will bi hidden but if we check that option everything will be covered instead of just the status bar at the bottom.

    I don't know if it's that hard to fix that...