How do I detect notch area - design games?

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  • Since notch area detection hasn't been working for years does anyone have any tips for designing mobile games when we don't know how much space notch takes up?

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  • Since notch area detection hasn't been working for years does anyone have any tips for designing mobile games when we don't know how much space notch takes up?

    u can't detect the notch usually at top... for 1 reason... the screen is actually a rectangle... or square or whatever... it doesn't need to have a "code" that measures the middle hole or the camera overlay on top. think of it as a "workaround" solution but for hardware. so since the hardware is a rectangle and the code says is a rectangle there isn't much u can do code wise or detection wise... what u can do is adapt ur content and don't put important things to display in a 50-100 pixel distance where the notch is... so lets say u got a topheader with coins info etc... move it a bit downward... and that is that. for example i got a motog8plus has front camera straigh in middle top... all software/apps i have installed have the "breadcrumbs" info on left and right of it... nothing in middle. now problem will be when u have mobile phones with front camera in left or right... but then again those have to be "manually" declared in ur GUI code. and basically have 3-5 sets of positions for ur content based on the device loaded.

    depends which phones notch u trying to adapt ur code for or graphics. there are a pletora of devices some weirder than others... not to mention the folding ones nowadays or the 4 screens front and back... ufff... u can however detect the edge of screen... which usually is at the very edge visible of the hardware screen. so based on that u can add or subtract spacing.

  • Ok, txn for such detailed explanation, now I have to redesign almost every of my games because the notch area used to be able to be hidden and now it can't.

  • Ok, txn for such detailed explanation, now I have to redesign almost every of my games because the notch area used to be able to be hidden and now it can't.

    glad if it helped, but are we talking about same notch area? im talking about the "space of front camera" which is usually refered to "the notch of the mobile phone"

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