ciko's Forum Posts

  • :-) tnx for fast response, my mistake, I thought .m4a files and didn't work with .m4a sound and .webm music files. Then I converted everything to .webm as you suggested and it works now without warnings.

    Just one more thing, every Xcode project shows lot of yellow warnings with possibility to update code automatically in some cases. Should we just ignore all these warnings since games work fine anyway?

  • I have similar experience. Can't play audio (music and sounds) at all on iphone. Xcode log says "Failed to load audio 'media/file name.mp4 : error fetching audio data:0"

    Xcode ver. 12.4, ios 12.1.

    When I uncheck Preload sounds option in Project properties, only error for music files show (not for sounds files) but still no music and no sounds.

    Some google search didn't help. Any suggestions Ashley?

    Everything works fine on Android...

  • > When I use GameObject behavior on Sprite or Tiled Background, actions setPossition, setX, setWith... doesn't work any more so it's impossible to make responsive layout. Any suggestions?

    All the actions you mentioned should work. Can you make a small test project and send it to me on Discord ?

    Thank's Aekiro for fast response and help, everything works good now...

  • When I use GameObject behavior on Sprite or Tiled Background, actions setPossition, setX, setWith... doesn't work any more so it's impossible to make responsive layout. Any suggestions?

    Ashley Same error happen to me and I use project without any third party plugins. Then I keep trying to open it without any change on project or C3 version and did it finally. Don't know what was the reason and how to prevent this issue in future. Buy the way I have couple of different projects with third party plugins and I have never got this error before.

  • LaurenceBedford Np problem mate



    > It seems that SafeAreaInsetLeft/Top/Right/Bottom functions could solve those problems but they don't work, they show 0 in every situation...


    > And don't now why those functions work in Cordova app (for Android with cordova-plugin-android-notch), but don't work in Construct which uses Cordova?!

    So it's possible then? I haven't seen anyone doing this thing yet using Construct

    I think it is, have searched some forums and people use them on Cordova app. Me neither but it's very important feature for mobile game and need to be fixed ASAP by my opinion.

  • Safe area expressions don't work for me either...

  • It seems that SafeAreaInsetLeft/Top/Right/Bottom functions could solve those problems but they don't work, they show 0 in every situation...

    And don't now why those functions work in Cordova app (for Android with cordova-plugin-android-notch), but don't work in Construct which uses Cordova?!

  • Thanks, I tried again following your link by config.json and config.xml modification and it's works...


  • After 2 mounts you should provide at least explanation or suggestion for this, why those PlatformInfo functions don't work for notch/cutout area. This is must have features for any mobile game...


    Or we have to buy plugin like this

  • Try Construct 3

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  • After some testing I realize that PlatformInfo functions show values that don't depend of Notch (Cutout) area. Here is one example:

    1. On browser:

    - ScreenHeight-768

    - WindowOuterHeight-656

    - WindowInnerHeight-576

    - CanvasCssHeight-576

    - CanvasDeviceHeight-576

    - SafeAreaInsetTop-0

    2. On mobile (Scale outer, Portrait orientation...):

    - ScreenHeight-780

    - WindowOuterHeight-780

    - WindowInnerHeight-780

    - CanvasCssHeight-780

    - CanvasDeviceHeight-2340

    - SafeAreaInsetTop-0

    Ashley Should we use hide status bar until this gets fixed?

  • I have tried but it doesn't work.

    My project: Layout and Window (Viewport) size - 800 x 1280 (10:16 ratio), I use Scale outer, Portrait orientation and viewportfit is auto.

    If I try game on phone with same or bigger ratio, 10:16 or 3:2, PlatformInfo.SafeAreaInsetTop is always 0 which means that calculates Y axis, not unsafe/notch area.

    But if I try game on phone with smaller ratio like 5:3 or 21:9 PlatformInfo.SafeAreaInsetTop goes negative.

    So for my phone which is 19.5:9 ratio, it doesn't calculate Cutout/Notch area at all, its value is always -227 and doesn't depend of unsafe/notch area.

    Did I miss something?

  • I have similar problem. Can't detect notch (cut out) area on android phones. If I don't choose "hide status bar" in C3 build, notch area will not be visible anyway, but if I choose "hide status bar" and activate/deactivate notch on my phone all sprites will stay on same place, windowHeight and viewporttop doesn't help at all.

    Any suggestions?

    And also if it's only solution to build game with status bar, does windowHeight or viewportbottom calculate status bar or not?


  • Please, does anyone know how to add more fonts, for example Cyrillic one?

  • With this simple steps you can use Google Analytics without needing touse Firebase, it works for me...