construct-mobile-notchfix (which uses the full screen area) is only applied if you tick "Hide status bar", since it is assuming you want to use the full screen display area. You can untick that to leave the default notch handling behavior (shrinking to avoid it) instead.
Ashley But if we untick "Hide status bar", the status bar will be visible on screens without the notch. This is not an option for many games.
Is it possible to add a project/export setting which will allow us to choose - either to use the full screen (with hidden status bar), or the safe area only? It will be much easier than checking Platform Info expressions and programmatically re-arranging everything on the screen..
By the way, I tested again just now, and SafeAreaInset* expressions always return 0 on my Android phone with the notch at the top.
Also, the "Viewport fit" setting seems to do nothing. I tested both Auto and Cover values and didn't notice any difference.
It feels like something is definitely broken with the notch detection.