Bad Wolf's Forum Posts

  • Hi again,

    After looking seriously into those two accounts, I am gonna leave them for now.

    The problem was that I am using one account for payments for the Construct 3 subscription and the other (the eldest) I am using for accessing the forum. I had a lot of trouble connecting my new creditcard with that account and do not want to go to all the hassle again.

    When I change the forum access account I loose all my postings which is also far from ideal. I simply came into this mess last year when subscribing for Construct. I cannot login with my forum account into C3, because then I can only use the free version of Scirra. Also I do not like to connect my credit card with public places like forums. Anyway I prefer Paypal instead of a credit card.

    Thank you again Lancifer and Zenox98 for your help which is really appreciated.

  • Hello Lancifer,

    Thank you again for your email and your explanation. You are indeed correct, I have two accounts.

    The account "Bad Wolf" I am using for the forum since 2015.

    The account "Bad_Wolf" I created last year for the Construct 3 subscription.

    I do not know why I did that. However, it seems when the Bad_Wolf account will be deleted, I also loose the C3 subscription.

    If not for the C3 subscription, I have no need for two accounts.

    My C3 license will expire on 2 june. I want to renew. I am thinking on canceling the C3 subscription on the Bad_Wolf account and take a new subscription on the Bad Wolf account. But I am not sure if this is a good idea.

    Can somebody help me?

    Thank you very much.


  • Hi again,

    Now after posting my former message, now everything is back to normal again. I do not know what went wrong but it is fixed again.

    Thank you very much for your reply and your help. I appreciate that very much.


  • Hello Lancifer,

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    I only have one account. When accessing my account this afternoon I was asked to change my password and to confirm my email again.

    Because I was no longer using that email I changed the email and confirmed again. Also the password was saved.

    When leaving and choosing save, this happened.


  • Hi all,

    In response on my question, I found the solution of the problem on the Affinity forums.

    If you are using Affinity Designer, make sure "Force Pixel Alignment" is enabled, but make sure "Moving by whole pixels" is disabled. This will solve your problem.

    All credits has to go to Owenr, who helped me finding and fixing the problem.

    Wish you all a very nice day.


  • Hi all,

    I draw gameboard tiles in Affinity Designer. For the lines I choose 0 for line width. Then I create 4 tiles, yellow, green, red an blue. All bright colors. The dimensions of those tiles are 48 by 48 pixels.

    When I duplicate the tiles and put them close near each other, there is always a line visible. I mean by close together the same color near each other. Even when I let them overlap, the line is visible. Sometimes the line disappear with a certain magnification. I also tried to set the line width at 0.3 with the same color as the fill but no change, the line appears.

    When I create a section of the gameboard, the 48 by 48 tiles look too small but that can be my impression. Any suggestion about the dimensions of those tiles for a 16 by 16 tiles board game?

    Also when I export as png, those dimensions are 49 by 49 instead of the 48 by 48. I intend to import as PNG into Construct.

    I first draw all the tiles before I import them in construct 3. I am creating a "Sorry!" game based on the original rules for our small daughter and myself. We like to play against each other and she mostly win. However, now there will also be an AI player present. Hope my programming skills in Construct will be enough to let the Construct AI player beat her. Prefer the original rules over the new ones.

    Can you tell me if I am doing something wrong or what causes the unwanted line?

    Thank you very much for your help which will be appreciated much. You will surely make my day!

    Have a nice day.


  • Hi again,

    Maybe giving the first 3 levels for free as a demo or show your good will to give the player an idea of your game. If someone wants to play the next levels, they need to pay. If you give a download link, make sure it is limited in time (48 hours). After that the download link expired. Also make sure you do not give a standard download link for anybody. If so, your game is easily copied.

    Lastly, don't worry too much. Instead use the energy to create even better games. Or from time to time, reward a legal user with a surprise (preview, bonus,...).

    Just some other ideas I forgot in my first reply.

  • Sadly, if someone wants to pirate your game, there is nothing anybody can do about it. Your game will be cracked in no time.

    However in my opinion, setting a good price/quality/players experience and good customer care can prevent at least some people of stealing your hard work. Maybe besides the game itself, providing something extra to a registered player is also a good idea. For example, if your game is kind of an adventure, create a challenge in your game. When that challenge is successful finished, give the legal player an ebook about the story behind the adventure. Check the player against the financial info.

    Give the player some background information, how long did you work on that game, how did you create it, to what (great) extents did you go to create it. Or just try to convince them that you also need an income to feed your family and make other nice games.

    I should not bother too much about protection. I also do not protect the ebooks I create or applications I made. Anyway, somebody who is pirated your game would also never be your customer. Nevertheless, even a pirated game can be good and free public relations for you.

    As a general advice to anybody who reads this; just play or use everything legally. When it is affordable priced and it does what you expect you to do, just obtain it legally. It doesn't seems to be a crime to illegally copy others people creations because it is so easily and quickly done. However, for anybody seeing no problem in that illegal copying; why are you not working freely for lets say 6 to 12 months for your boss? That is exactly what happens when somebody illegally copies somebody else work.

    Hope this helps.

    • Post link icon

    I do not understand why such conversations like these, still comes up. It is not to us users of Construct, to make the bill for Scirra for the simple reason, we can't.

    An unlimited license is good for the user but bad for the company behind it. After a certain amount of time, the sales dry up, still the users expect new features/updates.

    I bought the C3 license from the very start, and did not regret it one moment. Now Scirra created a constant cash flow, which is a much better guarantee for the future of Construct. I can see there is a lot of maintenance and updating on C3.

    Above the unlimited C2 license, dark clouds gather together. With the subscription model, the future of C3 shines bright.

  • mariogamer

    There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.

    You are doing great, keep up the good work. Believe in what you are doing and be determined to finish what you started.

    You are on your way to success!

  • This is the risk of using third party plugins, when there is no more development the user is left alone in the dark.

    JavaScript is not that difficult to learn. At there is a very good course, created by Jonas Schmedtmann. It does cover almost everything and is explained in a very clear and informative way. I have more courses from this teacher, and can tell you, they are very good.

    I learned from that course that a lot of things become possible when mastering JavaScript, especially in website (html5, CSS3, JavaScript) coding.

    It is better when possible to create your own plugins than depending on somebody else.

    I also regret RexRainbow's decision not making or converting his plugins any longer. But whatever the reason, we have to respect that decision.

    P.S. : I suggested the udemy course because I like that very much and find it really excellent. However I want to make clear that I have no benefits of any kind. I just want to share my positive experiences with this course.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hi,

    Like you I never published a game in public. I create games in my spare free time for our 9 year old daughter.

    To answer some of your questions.

    1. I believe that in its present form, Construct 3 has a very good future. I admit I downloaded the local version a few weeks ago (still in beta) just for those times when I have bad internet. However the online version works perfectly, also in poor internet conditions. The local version let you save on your local disk. For the online version I save to the cloud which has an added benefit, when your hard disk fails, you still have your work. Personally, I prefer Construct 3. Those hate messages disappeared long ago. Especially in the beginning of the beta cycle with the announcement of the paid subscription, there was a lot of hatred. However, those who are really serious about Construct 3, you find now here on the community. I am very glad that the hate message period is over.

    2. Together with the online version and the subscription model, Construct 3 future is secure. The subscription model gives Scirra more resources which they use for further developing this excellent tool. You can login from every computer which has internet with your account and develop your game. Also Scirra was and is very innovating, from the very beginning (I started using Construct 2 in June 2015).

    3. I do not know much about it. What I do know is that you always have to be smart with graphics. You have to adjust resolution, sizes to make sure you do not hit any performance issues. A few months ago Ashley made a blog post about this. But whatever tool you use, you need to be sparefull with resources.

    4. I have no knowledge about that.

    5. There are very good tutorials which can help you with that. Also those Construct 2 tutorials are still very usefull. Also Udemy has many very good courses about Construct 2 and 3 which will help you achieving your goals.

    Like you, if I would create a game for public use, I do not like adverts in my games. So I will choose for a one time fee instead of adverts. Many people here seems to be fan of those ad supported games, but when I hear around me, most people don't like them. Personally, I like to buy a game and then play uninterupted without ads. But that is a personal choice for the developer.

    I wish I had more free time to develop games with Construct. It is really a very nice tool for creating games both indie and professional. I do not regret my choice for Construct 2 and 3.

    I wil recommend Construct 3 for sure.

    Hope this helps. I am sure other people can give you more valuable information.

    Enjoy creating games!

  • Hello All,

    When I am here in Botswana, I have poor slow internet which makes things very difficult. Also Construct 3 needs internet to work online.

    However, there is an offline option too, which makes that when you have no internet, you still can use Construct 3. For this to work, you need to make sure that the offline version is downloaded to your local disk. This you can do with the combination "CTRL" + "F5". After a while you see in the left bottom corner a message in a blue dialog that the offline version is downloaded. This is very important, always make sure you have the offline version downloaded.

    When your internet is poor or slow, Construct 3 seems to load forever. You can wait, wait, wait and keep waiting. Now before you start Construct 3, just disable or disconnect your internet. Then start Construct 3 the normal way you always do.

    Bingo!!! Now Construct 3 loads from your local disk and you can continue exciting game development.

  • Regretfully pointing to the arcade from your own website, your link is blocked by MalwareBytes because of a possible unwanted program (PUP).

    While your game and website is perfectly valid, MalwareBytes seems to think the forward is suspicious.

    I contacted MalwareBytes support several times about blocking perfect legal websites, but there are no willing to do something about it. However, a user can always exclude it from the quarantaine list. However, many surfers panic by seeing such a message.

    I am no fan of Wix either. Too limited in my opinion.

  • I took some Affinity Designer courses and in fact they where very good.

    I find teachers like Brian Jackson, Dawid Tuminski, Daniel Evans and Ronny McBride very good. I bought graphic courses from all of them.

    Also Jeremy Esteban is a very good teacher. John Bura, Greg Pugh courses about Construct are also excellent.

    There is a lot of choice on Udemy. You always find an interesting course.