ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • No, I mean the actual behavior. Like you created the character, clicked on behaviors and added the Platform Behavior?

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Well first question, is your character using the Platform Behavior?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Sure it's do able.

    The best way to start is to flow chart your game design and try to figure out the best way to attack it. If you are brand new to programming, I would go through at least the basic tutorial to help get an understand of what you can do with C2.

  • Just open it up and do a save as?

    Or you want to use the Layout and Events in a new project?

  • Are you using the platform behavior?

    If So:

    --Key is Down


    --Platform is on floor

    ------------------------------------Play sound

  • Promo Video for the new Platformer Tutorial Videos

    Promo Video for LearnConstruct2.Com

  • Just wanted to let everyone know, I got some good feedback from my videos, that I decided to do much more in depth tutorials that will be available (for a fee, they take a lot of work). The first one is done and the new website is

    I will also be posting up many new FREE videos as well.

    Thanks for the support.

  • Would be awesome to get an HTML5 platform running on PI. I have one sitting on my desk I haven't messed with much.

  • mrcgkh

    Thank you.

  • rexrainbow,

    Do you know if there is a way to disable the right click of saving the video and copying the URL? I want to protect some videos I am making from being downloaded easily.


  • Phonegap is good for apps or REALLY simple games. Someday we hope phonegap gets some kind of canvas acceleration. There are several hopeful project out there like Pender.

  • No, I purchased a mac mini just for the purpose of compiling, testing and submitting games for ios.

    I had your same thought about refusal to buy a mac, matter of fact I hackintoshed one of my laptops. The problem is, the latest Xcode requires the latest oSX. Getting the latest OSX running on a hackintosh is time consuming, if it will even work. I gave up. Now my kids use the Mac Mini for playing games on or doing homework. I use it to submit games/apps.

    As for hurdles, depends on how you are planning on compiling. Using phonegap through xcode is going to take some reading and work the first time. CocoonJS is pretty easy.

  • I currently have 4 games on IOS and Android. 2 are ad revenue based (built with cocoonJS) and 2 are .99 cent games via phonegap. All made with C2.

  • On you laptop, save as single file. Copy that capx to your desktop and open. See if that works.

  • From the Ludei wiki page: