ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • You just use sprites. Then use events so when you touch the sprite, or are touching the sprite, do the action (move, jump, whatever).

  • Try This. Slide (Click mouse drag up) to move the paddle up, opposite for down.

    Slide Paddle

  • I can make up a sample capx later tonight if you can't get it.

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  • What type of object? How is it moving?

    In other words, is it a player controlled movement? Or moving via bullet bahavior, sine, etc?

  • No idea, but I pulled my hair out the first time I used an array and set them to 0 :). Glad that worked for you.

  • Sure, if you calculating a swipe up and down (y axis) setup 2 global variables. StartTouch and EndTouch

    On Touch Start set StartTouch to touch.y

    On Touch End set EndTouch to touch.y

    If StartTouch > EndTouch then

    The user swiped up


    The User Swiped down

    Let me know if that makes sense.

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  • How are you wanting to move them, with the arrow keys? Clicking?

    You could give each one an instance variable to turn them on or off. When one is on, all the others are off.

  • I just tried the same thing and it worked (using 129).

    Make any changes to the properties of the array? Like if you set the Height and Depth to 0 instead of 1, this could happen.

  • Oh ok, so you don't want the paddle locked into the x or y coordinate of the the touch, you just want it to move up or down when you swipe.

    Have you looked into the On Any Touch Start and on Any Touch End events? You could calculate the start and stop of the swipe and determine which way the user swiped.

    Make sense?

  • Yup, give them the bullet behavior set the speed.

    You can put up a sprite wall and just set it to invisible, then check for the collision to that as well.

  • <img src="" border="0">

    Wasn't sure what version your project is in, but here is a saved capx.

    Your CAPX

    Notice those events on the bottom at INVERTED events, so it's saying NOT on a platform or NOT moving kill the sound.

  • It's hard to help not knowing exactly how your game is setup.

    You could add the Platform behavior to the parachuting enemies (set default controls to no) and make the ground a solid. Then use the Platform Is On Floor event to trigger a new movement for the enemy.


    On collision with the ground, then do the action for the movement change.

    I'm not sure if that is what you are asking though.

  • So basically you have a single object you are duplicating and adjusting the size on each one. Then when two of these objects collide, you want the smaller one to be destroyed and the larger one to grow? Is that right?

  • You mean where you touch the screen and slide your finger back and forth to move the paddle?