ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • So I was testing this on an Ubuntu server using Firefox. I tested it again on a Windows PC using Chrome and it stayed connected for 5 days so far. Maybe it's a firefox issue?

  • That's exactly how I am building it. The problem is, once the server disconnects randomly, another peer becomes the host I believe. So when I try to reconnect to that room as the host it can't.

    I'll test this theory out though. However, just disconnecting at all is going to cause game issues as the server will constantly be doing something game related. So even a quick hiccup of disconnect, reconnect will cause issues.

    I'd like to figure out why its disconnecting at all. Thanks.

  • I'm working on something that requires a dedicated server, using the Multiplayer plugin for Construct. Using the Multiplayer Chat example, I'm launching it from an off site linux machine. Everything works fine, it launches as host, I can connect to it from my PC as a peer.

    Problem is, after x amount of hours the server just disconnects. I've trying having the server post in the chat every 10 minutes to show it's still active, it still happens.

    With how the MP Plugin works, if I just simply reconnect the server will no longer be the host.

    1. Is there something I am missing here that is causing the host to disconnect after so many hours?

    2. Is it the Construct signalling server that is the issue? Does it have a time limit on how long connections are active?

    3. Is there a better solution than the official Multiplayer Plugin?

    Thanks as always.

  • Great, thank you for both answers.

  • If I missed the area to post suggestions for Construct, I apologize. Maybe this can be moved there.

    I'm running into an issue with several games where my audio files are just too loud. I wish there was an easy to way to REPLACE the audio file being used with a right click. Rather than having to delete it and reimport. This can screw up all kinds of events when the audio is removed. I know I can go into events and adjust the volume as well, but I would rather just start with audio files I have fixed..

    Maybe it is possible and I just don't see how?

  • Problem 1

    I invoke a download so it will download a png

    When i invoke string i creatie a json file but then i sometimes mis a download file png or json.

    I didn't do any downloading. Everything is contained within the Construct 3 project. All my images are frames of a sprite and randomly selected.

    Problem 2

    The json file is still empty so in need to fill it with data like the color of te background.

    So how to fill the json file.

    Again, I don't fill the JSON files in code. All my JSON files are created at the beginning within Construct 3. Each trait having a JSON file with the different options.

    Contruct 3 then spits out a JSON for each Image it creates.

    Problem 3

    The rarety you have is awsome can’t even figure out how to make them unique ( you call This build code ).

    Rarity is just a product of having more or less options in each trait. More options, means there is less of each one. I didn't code in anything "Weighting" per say. Just let the chips fall where they may.

  • Hi Arcadeed i like to make nfts also with construct 3.

    I got the downloads of different png working ( do you have some tips on the metadata i fail at script things ).

    also i saw in your video a nice dna structure can you help me that 2?

    Hope te hear from you.

    It's been a while since I did this project, but let me know what you need help with exactly and I'll try to remember :).

  • Wonder if the new HTML Element plugin will allow this to work? Anyone try yet?

  • Wanted to check back in to this, a few years later, and see if anything has come of it? Any of the latest updates to Construct make this possible?

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  • > On the heals of my much bigger project (also using Construct 3) I decided to try my hand are releasing some Generative Art NFTs. In my case it was arcade cabinets and I discuss it here


    > Construct 3 worked pretty well for this. Creating 10,000 images by taking canvas snapshots had it's issues, but in the end I was able to make it work without melting my computer :).


    > It's always fun to use Construct 3 for something other than a game and it worked perfect for what I wanted it to do. is born thanks to Construct 3.


    > Just wanted to share. Keep up the amazing work Scirra

    I want to learn more about NFT. Any good sources?

    I guess it depends on what you want to learn. It's a lot of info. Maybe just start by watching some NFT youtube videos. What they are, etc.

  • On the heals of my much bigger project (also using Construct 3) I decided to try my hand are releasing some Generative Art NFTs. In my case it was arcade cabinets and I discuss it here

    Construct 3 worked pretty well for this. Creating 10,000 images by taking canvas snapshots had it's issues, but in the end I was able to make it work without melting my computer :).

    It's always fun to use Construct 3 for something other than a game and it worked perfect for what I wanted it to do. is born thanks to Construct 3.

    Just wanted to share. Keep up the amazing work Scirra

  • Based on other suggestions, I fixed it by creating a loop using Every X seconds instead.

  • I am creating a loop that is generating images and then taking a snapshot of the canvas. Problem is the loops goes to fast to capture a image each time through the loop.

    I tried the Wait 0.5*loopindex trick, which solves the above issue, however it breaks any other code I have relying on the loopindex. I don't understand why, but when using that wait statement my Loopindex is always 0 (I tested in console with and without the wait line to confirm).

    So is there a way in a loop for it to stop and wait for the Canvas Snapshot to fully complete before moving on?

    I'm taking the snapshot in the loop.

    Outside the loop I am checking for On Canvas Snapshot and doing all the ajax to save the images to my desktop.


  • Sorry, I went back to your site and reread it more carefully. That's why I deleted my original post.

    Thank you for the in depth explanation. I signed up!

    No worries buddy, I'm always happy to explain. One the new site is fully finished I can start making some tutorial videos that will help clarify some stuff as well. It's why I haven't really been spreading the word too much yet. :)

  • So, you will have only 5 different types? Why would someone want to buy/sell them? What gives one cabinet more value over another cabinet?

    There are 5 Games.

    Each Game has 1,441 NFTs in total.

    8 Rarities for each, numbered.

    For example the base or common NFT will have 1000, so each of those 1,000 will be numbered like 1/1,000, 2/1,000 up to 1,000/1,1000.

    1,000, 250, 100, 50, 25, 10, 5, 1

    Those are the rarities for each game. The NFTs are different for each rarity, having a different background, asset tag and music.

    Typically the rarity gives them more value, or lower numbers in some rarities. With the NFTs holding onto high scores it will be interesting to see how that changes value. Are empty cabs worth more than ones with scores? Are the cabinets with the overall top scores more coveted? We won't know until they are release to the wild, and that is part of the fun.

    When the cabinets are initially purchased they come in a "Crate". When the crate is opened it randomly pulls a preminted NFT from the pool of those remaining.

    People can buy and sell them on the Opensea marketplace.

    Does that answer your question?