ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • It is. It's disabled in the bullet properties and then enabled on the host side when connected. It's never enabled on the peer side.

  • No, but I will check it out.

  • It might be better, but there are still misses.

    Maybe the multiplayer isn't really designed for something like this? Maybe I will stick with doing a turn based game with it.

    I'm attaching the capx here in case anyone wants to play with it. Another problem is on the peer side, all of the block will disappear and come back randomly. ... .capx?dl=0

    Sorry for the messy code, I was bouncing ideas around. There is a simulated latency action in there, so if you try this over the net, make sure to remove it.

    Appreciate the help, and if I figure anything else I will post here.

  • OK, that's what I thought. I'm used to !=, the C# in me .

    Thanks again, trying it now.

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  • I'll give that a shot.

    What does <> mean?

    Thanks for the help!

  • OK, I added a sprite box and then added this code. Also on connection of peer I am simulating a latency (default settings). I didn't seem to make a difference. Peer paddle still misses when it shouldn't.

    New code in red.

  • I'll give it a try. You would think doing something as simple as a pong type interface, shouldn't be too hard. But even with the pong example, you can see the issue as it has no lag compensation implemented.

  • I'll give that a shot, thank you.

    Any chance you can explain a bit better what movingPeerID and fromPeerID are?

    LagCompensateX(movingPeerID, fromPeerID)

    Would movingPeerID be the paddle and fromPeerID be the ball in my case?

  • Bullet Behavior, from the host side.

    I'm happy to share the Capx if you think it would help.

  • OK, so I am really trying to wrap my head around Lag Compensation in Multiplayer.

    I'm hoping someone on the forums with a good handle on this can shed some light on it.

    So I created a 2 player Arkanoid type game, here is a screen shot to give you an idea:

    Everything works great, except many times the peer will think he hits the ball, but misses it. Why? Because of lag.

    Now in the Ghost Shooter MP Tutorials (MP Tutorial 4) the way Ashley does lag compensation makes sense. The firing of a bullet is instantaneous, there is no movement too it. However, in my case there are bouncing balls that are moving. Maybe it's the same thing as. I just can't figure out how it's the same.

    What would be a way to approach this? My brain is really struggling on this.

    Should I be checking on the ball overlapping the paddle instead and then forcing the bounce action? Should I have an invisible sprite that is on the same X path as the paddle and when the ball collides with that, check for a lag compensated value of the paddle.x to see it was in the right place?

    Thanks all.

  • I would contact support. It should be as simple as including the plugin and created the events and actions you need. It shouldn't cause a java error.

  • Try using this in your index.html file <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> instead of <script src="spilapi.js"></script>

    Otherwise you can try reaching out to support. Mario Gesteira was the one helping me that updated the plugin. The one I link via my dropbox is the latest one I have that I used for my game about 2 months ago.

    Support email.

  • Why not just use the new plugin that Spil created for us that I posted a few posts up?

  • CJS has support for both Google Play Leaderboards and Gamecenter Leaderboard (ios).

  • Sure, coding in a double jump manually wouldn't be too hard. However the double jump feature is already built into the platformer behavior, would be nice to be able to simply reset it. In my case if I fall off a rope, I could jump back on to the rope (using the double jump), however since I don't actually touch the ground, the double jump doesn't reset. The next time I fall off the rope, I can no longer jump back onto it in mid air.

    I'm still up in the air if this is how I am going to the leave controls, but just thought I support a good feature idea.