Unfortunately, there really isn't an elegant solution to being able to easily do subconditions / actions across each distinct instance between collidee and collider in an On Collision based on a single Family at this time.
You can get around this by duplicating the Family. So you have OriginalFamily and DuplicateFamily with the same set of collidable objects.
Then you can do:
OriginalFamily On Collision DuplicateFamily : Actions
While this solves the problem of being able to access both objects distinctly in the same descending subevent tree, you lose access to behaviors and instance variables that belong to OriginalFamily when referring to the DuplicateFamily collision instance.
I've gotten around this somewhat through the use of "System Pick nth instance". In this approach, you pick each one in a separate subevent and save off the information you need to local variables. For example, let's say you had a list of monsters (Ogre, Troll, Imp, Al Sharpton, etc), all of which belong to family called Monsters. You needed X/Y and a custom Family variable called Life. Your code would look similar to this:
<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12667027/Construct%202/IdenticalObjectCollision/MonstersExample.png" border="0" />
Make sense?