ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Haha, thank you. I will be working all weekend to squash bugs and create the other 12 levels. :)

  • Thank you.

  • Wow, that's a lot of work.

    Awesome that he broke it down into 6 steps, might give it a shot. Also sounds like a plugin might be coming :).

  • Game is about 70 percent done.

    To do:

    Bug Fixes

    Add Treasure Chests (bonus money, time and power ups)

    Add Dolphins (Penalty for catching)

    Options Screen

    Local webstorage to remember money, levels, etc.

    Additional 12 levels (only 8 currently)

    More instructions

    Click or hit space bar to fire the plunger gun.

    Reeled In

  • lorinbeer

    Since you mentioned pender was a plugin for Cordova. Does that mean if I currently have an entire project built in eclipse with Phonegap, I can just add in the plugin?

  • Exciting!

  • If I have the time in the next week I could easily write a gui based solution in .net that simplifies the process.

  • I just used windows command prompt from the droid sdk tools directory.

    I will try to dumb it down a bit. I was waiting to see what Lorin was going to pull out in the next day or so. He said he was going to work on a windows script and a jar to just include in eclipse.

  • Awesome. Thank you.

    Now use Construct 2 users just need to work through how to get our html5 project running using pender.

    I'm a bit confused on this part. If I already have an entire project done in eclipse with phonegap, is that when I implement pender, or is it something that need to be done prior to creating the project in eclipse?

    I guess that is my confusion now. I'll keep playing :).

  • 1. A unique thing about Pender is that it supports a DOM-less javascript environment. No html or css. So all render code has to go in it's own file

    1.A the Pender-Cordova Plugin allows crosstalk between the Pender runtime and Cordova

    1.B you may need to refactor your code slightly so all the canvas calls are in their own file, you can then send javascript messages to the renderer javascript from the cordova javascript

    1.C check out the file, that's the main entrypoint for the framework. You'll see in the constructor that it refences assets to load into the javascript framework

    1.D check out assets/client/penderdemo.js to see the implementation of the demo. Note that all of the texture map image processing takes place on the javascript side, just like it would in a desktop html5 project. Note that this does not preclude Pender from providing helper functions in the future, which would be optimized and natively implemented

    2. yessir! I wrote a Canvas Renderer for iOS, and I need to tie it in with the iOS Pender proof of concept here

    3. no, you da man! Thanks for sticking it out!


    Have any thoughts on what LorinBeer mentioned just above? A lot of that is currently greek to me, but I'm willing to learn greek if I need too. Just thought it might make sense to you :).

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  • No, I see them when it runs. I was testing through eclipse. I did a build, gonna test again on my thunderbolt then on my nexus 7

    Looks fine on my nexus 7

  • I'm testing on a HTC Thunderbolt running 2.3.4

    I have these white bars, normal?

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Now the big next question or 2 :).

    1. What do I do to include my HTML5 project? In the past I would build the app with eclipse and phonegap. Creating a www directory under assests and including all my html5 files, phonegap.js and referencing phonegap.js in the index.html

    2. Are you working on IOS support as well?

    3. You the man

  • I GOT IT!!

    This part. I had to change the PenderActivity to match the name of my project. In my other attempt I let eclipse fix it for me without reading :).


    import android.os.Bundle;

    import com.pender.Pender;

    public class PenderActivity extends Activity


        /** Called when the activity is first created. */


        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)



            mPender = new Pender(this);



        private Pender mPender;    
