ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • I sent you a PM with the info.

    Also, you can add me on skype if you use it. ArcadEd

  • Hey bud, I'd be happy to host it for you if you want. I can give you a private login to my hostgator account.

    Let me know. I figure we have known each long enough, I can trust ya ;)

  • You can get Photoshop CS2 free from Adobe's website.

  • Sneak Peek at my fishing game Reeled In. This game started out way more complex as I was going to attempt sales on mobile devices. Instead I decided to simplify it into a 2 minute high score game with the hopes of selling non exclusive copies to publishers for mobile online.

    I have a little work to do on it still, squashing some bugs, etc. I'll shop it around on FGL and MarketJS. It will easy to make art changes for clients as well.

    Beta 2

  • I'm pretty sure a Chromium-based wrapper will turn up soon (if not, we'll make our own). That will provide far better support than either Ejecta or CocoonJS.

    Amazing quote! :)

  • Well, say your animations were named

    Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Fly

    In your event sheet you could do Play Animation Choose("Walk", "Run", "Jump", "Fall", "Fly") and C2 would pick a random one.

  • What is your question?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Just add a condition. SpriteBullet on Collision with SpritePlane AND SpritePlate.typePlane = "Whatever"

  • I know man, big *sigh*

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Set the X to WindowWidth/2 and the Y to WindowHeight/2 when you create the object.

  • I recently asked Ludei about IAP for OUYA. Their response:

    "We don't have that task in our roadmap, however we'll take a look a it in the future."

    As far as I know, there is no other way to monetize with OUYA. Seems like IAP would be a pretty important item to have on your roadmap.

  • I've just been testing with the signed Debug apk that CocoonJS gives. It only takes a few minutes to sign APKs anyway, so I don't think it would be a big deal for a final release.

  • I'm using 146. Did 147 add anything that might change things?

  • Yeah, I only tried one button though. The A button in C2 worked as the O button on the ouya pad.

    I did try the platformer demo I used in my Tutorial Class and could never get past the Ludei screen. It's a full platformer level so it's roughly 6000x700. I'm guessing the ouya didn't like that.

  • If taking a game I already made and spending an hour on it to make it work on the OUYA, the rest is pure profit. Even if it's a a few hundred to a few thousand bucks

    I wouldn't spend my time to make a game exclusive for the ouya though.