ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • I own the business license as I have made over the $5000 with C2. I purchased it at one of the 50 percent off upgrade deals a while back.

    To answer your how.

    Ads on Google Play games

    Sales on iOS games

    Ads on Windows 8 games

    Non exclusive license sales to publishers.

    There are lots of ways to make money with HTML5 games :).

    I've said it before. C2 makes it extremely easy to make games. However, there is a lot more that goes into making games that earn money than just the ability to make a game.

  • Is the link working now?

  • Sorry about that, a space had gotten added in there :). Fixed up now.

  • Made a couple of minor tweaks, it's at beta 1.1 now.

  • NOW BETA 2.3-------

    This is a game I have been working for several months.

    Arrow Keys to move Hal up and down. On touch or with mouse, touch/click and slide up and down to do the same. Lots of little things to work out like balance, the rest of the sounds and the GUI. I would say I'm 90 percent done now.   If by some chance you play this before, you might need to refresh to get the latest version. It should say Beta 1 on the title. At this point I'm not really looking for game suggestions, but more how it plays and what can be tweaked to make it more fun. Thanks for the feedback.

    *****Update Feb 13th, 2014

    I've made a few gameplay changes. Taking out holes and replacing them with traps.

    *****Update Feb 14th, 2014

    Fixed various bugs.

    Increased performance as several background images were duplicating during certain events.   

    Hungry Hal Beta 2.3

  • That works great. The only thing off is if you put a wall at 0,0, then everything fills. Should not be an issue though. Thanks again.

  • Thanks R0j0hound. I'll give it a whirl

  • Well, path finding won't work. Was a really good idea though. The reason it won't work is because I want this:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    To be considered as non closed. However there is no way for path finding to get through it.

  • OK, I am not familiar with the pathfinding behavior at all, so I am bit confused as to why my latest capx isn't working.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm going to go play around with pathfinding and figure out why my character just goes right through all the solid obstacles.

  • That's a good idea Jongf7. Thanks.

    I created a really basic layout

    When you click a wall is formed (grey box) what I would like is when the walls form a complete square/rectagle then the area inside the walls is changed.

    I'm going to play with the pathfinder. Thanks.

  • I'm not familiar with the term flooding. I think I might understand what you mean though. I'll look it up and see if I can find an example.


  • I've had a game idea in my head for a while and I'm about to start putting it together. However the one aspect that has me drawing a blank is the wall building aspect.

    If you check out this video

    You will it's right at the point where the player is rebuilding his castle walls. To stay alive in rampart, you must completely surround a castle with walls. As you can see in the video, as soon as wall is completed, the area of the ground that it surrounds turns blue and we know the game can go on.

    My question is this. If using a variety of pieces to build the wall (like tetris), what is would be the best way to determine if the wall is completed with no breaks?

    I hope I am making sense :).

  • or something like it is pretty essential for doing keyword research and optimizing your game. Over half of games are found via search on the app stores.

    Droid and Windows 8 I don't bother with selling games. I just put ads on them. Admob for droid, MS ads for windows.

  • Rayek, if you are just making it for iOS, why not use Ejecta? It works great, and is fairly easy to get working. There is a tutorial for it.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Updated to Beta 2. Just fixed some bugs, sped up the shark.