ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Gamecenter was that way too in the old version, I think it's just how it is and we need to work around that. Not sure if it's a plugin thing, or just how the api always works regardless of how you are calling it.

  • I might spend a lot of time this week/weekend actually running through everything with the plugin. Since I plan on doing video courses for each platform. I figured I better know what works and what doesn't

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  • Kind of how facebook does it.

  • I do my debugging with Eclipse. You just need to set your device to debug mode when you plug it into you PC. Make sure you have the USB drivers (they come with the android sdk) then the debug window in Eclipse shows you everything going happening on your device. It's a great tool to have.

  • No, no current fix to the flicker. Doesn't happen on iOS though.

  • jijigren - Yes

    - BoosterMedia and SpilGames both have plugins for C2 that make the process of including their API very easy.

  • Think of you entire event sheet as a one big loop. Each frame goes through the event sheet once.

    What is happening your case is each frame the event is Creating the Mole object and then setting the animation. So if you game is running at 60 frames per second, you are creating 60 new mole objects each second.

    I hope that makes sense.

    IF you want it to just happen once, you can deactivate the Mole1 group after you set the animation. Then it won't happen again until you activate the group again.

    There are better ways to handle what you are trying to do, but my suggestion should work.

  • Around $400 seems to be the going rate from publishers I work with.

  • Yes, there are several people in this post and on github threads that have gotten it to work, including me .

  • Well the easiest thing to do is the slap in the fame you want after each piece is made, like so.

    It works, might not be the most efficient.

  • Maybe we'll wait for that feature to be available via gamejolt and then start this up .

  • There should be no difference in testing the APK on your device and the one you download from google play. Considering it's the same APK file in both cases.

  • I think right now they are just trying to spread their brand, which is why we can't remove the Ludei splash logo from our published games. I'd be happy to pay for removal of that, but it seems they are not ready for that yet. Similar to how you can use the free version of Unity to publish games, but it will have the Made With Unity logo on startup.

  • This course is all cocoonjs, sorry. I don't have any experience with crosswalk.

  • Now that's pretty awesome.