My banner ads seem fine in my tests, I haven't tried fullscreen ads in 2.0 yet. I'll try to this week.
I am using the old version of Admob though, so I'm not sure if that is causing any difference. I don't know why it would.
Upper left, click your account.
Will Pode's plugin work?
Did you follow the facebook tutorial? ... ebook-game
Any game is difficult to make multiplayer, doesn't mean it can't be done with C2. Especially now that C2 has multiplayer support with webRTC. Just start small, and learn as you go. Don't try to make an epic game the first time around. Take the core idea of your game, build that and expand on it from there.
Are you seeing stats in your AdMob account reports? If not, then you are not getting any impressions from AdMob.
Admob pays your separate from Mopub.
On your MoPub dashboard, you should see a breakdown of where impressions are coming from.
Check out the MagiCam plugin.
Are you sure it was admob ads showing when you tested? It could have been mopub marketplace ads (if you didn't disable them).
Yeah, works fine on the PC, and iOS and Android through CocoonJS.
I've sold this game to another publisher and they didn't have any issues with sound.
I set all my marketplace at .03 and all my ad networks to .05 or .04
Yeah, depends on what other networks I am using, or if I am the marketplace as well. Mopub is using that figure to prioritize your ad requests. So the ones you have a higher CPM set, it tries to get first. I usually set my lowest at .03 and go up by .01.
Fullscreen ads can take up to a day to start working I have found.
What error does it give when you try the restore purchases? Is there any info you can give that can be reported to Ludei so it can be fixed?
Is it not working in iOS and Android? Any log messages when you try that can give an indication as to what is wrong?
Has anyone reported to Ludei any bugs? They don't check here. Best thing you can do is post under issues on the github page.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I emailed you a CAPX back with an explanation.
Anyone that finds this thread in the future, read up on Containers .
This is a case where you want to use a Container to link the Zombie and the ZombieBox together, otherwise there is no way of telling Construct 2 they are linked.
I'm working up a solution for you now.