I would like to know more about mopub's services because i've tryed to use it, and there's some things i don't understand in their system, maybe you guys can help me.
I heard that MoPub changed a some things so i would like to ask.
What is MoPub's MarketPlace and how does it work? i mean, i've read the Terms of Services and it was written that they'll pay when i reach 100 dolars, but that's not a thing from admob? Maybe they hold the money til i get to U$100 and they will pay me using admob.
We see our impressions and revenue changing in mopub but not in admob.
We set Admob as a network and we see in Ad Source Breakdown, that we are using both, admob and Mopub's Market Place. It's just with me.?
We used CocoonJs 2.0 and Canvas+ to compile.
Ashley can you help me?