ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • You're welcome. Let me know if there are any questions.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • OK, MagiCam, one of the best plugins I have seen in a while. I really need to make a point to check the plugins forum more often. Thanks shinkan, worked like a charm.

  • Nice, great idea. So simple . Thanks

  • I have an object in the middle of my screen with the 8way behavior. My layout is larger than my window, and I want ScrollTo to happen to my object. However, I want there to be a bit of a delay, in other words I want my object can to move faster than the scroll happens.

    What would be the best way to accomplish this?

  • Excited. Possible the first jam I plan on entering. I was just talking to my graphics guy yesterday about a game I was thinking about, and this theme just made my idea that much better .

  • I'm sorry, with the coupon code the course is only $19, I feel the value you will get back out if it is worth. That is if you are struggling getting ads to work with CocoonJS.

  • sgtwombatstudios,

    Great job! Good luck with it.

  • If you need the functionality now, then yes, update. If not, then maybe wait until Ashley gets it added into a C2 release.

  • I realize the bottom of my post there was a typo. I do in fact want a designer from the US first .

  • I'm looking for someone in the US that I can work with on a consistent basis for my projects. I have others that I do use on occasion, but they are all tied up with other projects, and it's always good to have more contacts.

    For this project I really don't need the skills (and cost) of a professional designer. This first project is very simple in terms of graphics with very little animation. I would prefer if the art files are done in Photoshop and/or Illustrator, but as long as it's in a format and layered in a way that I can alter it later, then anything is fine.

    I'm planning a remake to an old arcade game called Empire City.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    What will be needed:

    Background Images layered so they can be broken into separate files for layering in game.

    Bad Guys with a Shooting and Dying animation.

    Power up images (Machine gun, health box, etc)

    Random Sprites for the level that can be shot (Trashcans, boxes, street lights).

    Fresh new HUD

    Blocking sprite (See youtube video for example).

    Title Screen

    Possible GUI elements (Button, icons, etc).

    If you think you are up for this, please shoot me a PM and we can discuss further, or add me on Skype - ArcadEd

    Again, I do ONLY want a designer from the US at this point in time as I don't want to deal with currency exchange and language barriers. My goal is to find a good, hard working person I can came back to time and time again and that I can refer to other developers.

    Thanks for your time.


  • You must either use the hotfix, or preview with IE.

  • I'm using 2.0 with the latest plugin and 168 of c2 and banner ads are showing fine.

  • I'm using 168

  • You would need to download the SDK and include it in Xcode.

    It would be much easier to just use CocoonJS since Mopub is the ad network they support anyway.

  • Check out the Distance expression in the manual, it will help get you started I think.